Effects Of Inhumane Actions Towards Nature

Wakeup, the nature itself is crying. Are we destroying the one that benefited and accepted us rather than protecting it with our actions? We answer “Yes”. It is our actions that keep her in harm, our mother nature. We all are aware that we receive our satisfactions without any expected returns in one origin, the Earth. However, the Earth’s nature – like all things – it is limited but we humans keep abusing it.

We gain our surroundings in its natural mesmerizing beauty and its useful sources that became beneficial to us yet somehow comparing the past and the current state of it now, we think it changes a lot. In some way of living, our nature is the most important component – like to fulfil our lives and without it we are not what we are in terms of succession. But we misuse and abuse it with our actions – we control its power to keep ourselves to go up, to rule, to be recognized, to be the one who’s receiving praises without contentedness. These persons aren’t appreciating and want more that is limited. We shall discuss the effects of our unrighteous actions towards nature, for which it can end our home little by little.

Environmental Pollution

The first one, pollution is due to increasing growth of population and can cause the growing numbers of public and private vehicles. Its kinds have a negative impact and can harm every living organism in our surroundings, especially us – it can cause us diseases. Also us – our activities is the biggest source of it. We cause pollution in producing our living. It can also increase the risk to have environmental disasters. We abuse our nature but not even protecting it with our actions, we can lose the chance to preserve any of it. If we continue to letting it be destroyed everything our world would be catastrophe. But we believe we can reduce pollution in giving awareness using our technology and work together in saving our planet Earth. As an author once says “Be a part of the solution not part of the Solution”.

Global Warming

Secondly, Global warming also have affects in our health and our way of living. We aren’t responsible taking care of our places, our surroundings and it causes dangerous hazards. Like what come off recently in Amazon, it’s a tragedy that kills thousands of species and turns them into ashes. And we lose the lungs of the Earth because of us – of our bad habits. If we have abandon literally our Mother Earth we can’t live a peaceful life, because in every careless action of us, there will be a revenge.


Forest provides us oxygen and managing temperature and precipitation. Trees maintain the water cycle and give shelter to the organisms. But numerous of trees have been lost because of people who are looking for their needs. Deforestation is cutting down trees to use as a resource. It can be related to what happened to the Amazon rainforest. Saving the forest would be easy if we volunteer to plant trees in come vacant areas not even trees it includes extraordinary plants.

Loss of Biodiversity

Habitat destruction is a major cause for biodiversity loss. It is the main caused of some effects of our actions towards nature. Biodiversity is described as degree of variation of life. Biodiversity encompasses every living organisms living in our world. The biodiversity can recover itself from disasters but we lessen its ability to recover just to provide ourselves, to provide our needs. Like what happened also to the Amazon rainforest where habitats have been banished in a disaster, some animals founded dead and burned.

14 May 2021
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