Example of an Informational Interview


To start with, this is informational interview essay where I will share personal experience. My informational interview was conducted with Anthony Top, a senior design engineer at Pier & Pile Engineering Consultants. I currently work closely with Anthony as I am completing my undergraduate thesis at Pier & Pile and work part-time in the office. The interview was a success and Anthony was able to provide me with a deeper understanding of life as a professional engineer and the benefits and struggles that come along in the practice.


- What did you learn from your interviewee?

The interview with Anthony was able to help expand my view of the daily activities of an engineer and the steps required to be taken to become a successful professional engineer. The first few questions asked were about Anthony’s day-to-day practices where he frequently does pile designs, slab designs, wind loading analysis as well as dealing with on-site complications. These everyday challenges were what Anthony described as the most and least enjoyable aspect of his work. I have always expected engineering to be a job that has its challenges and requires concentration and thought and Anthony verified this in his response. This led to the topic of how the job as a Civil Engineer could change over the next 10 years. Anthony’s response emphasised the current issues with a few apartment blocks in Sydney and how he predicts that there will be stricter governance over the engineering body as a whole. This was a revelation to me as to how regulated the industry is but also as to how much more regulated it can become to prevent these multi-million dollar mistakes. My next questions revolved around the steps I should take to become a successful senior engineer. Anthony passed on the recommendations that I should utilise my spare time to keep learning and gain knowledge. Keep in contact with previous employees and colleagues from university as well as be involved with Engineers Australia. His most important piece of advice was to maintain integrity in whatever I do and to never lower my standards to please customers who are trying to cut corners and I really appreciated this advice and strong morals from an engineer who hold in high regard. Finally, Anthony did advise me that the job can be quite stressful at times, however is mentally and financially rewarding and if handled correctly is a great industry to be a part of.


- How does this interview support/reaffirm or contradict your career plans?

Conducting an informational interview helped reaffirm my interest and passion in becoming a competent professional engineer. Anthony explained that the biggest reward of his job is being able to help someone whose life had been adversely effected by bad construction or engineering and that is something that I also aspire to do. Anthony made it clear that work as an engineer is often challenging and this is something that attracts me to the profession, as I will be constantly learning and using my brain to create effective engineering solutions. My conversation with Anthony also reinforced the fact that hard work and dedication at the beginning of a career will lead to success and expertise later on in the industry. A slight hesitancy towards the industry arose when Anthony explained the dealings with unpleasant customers and the stresses that arise with that, however it would be rare to find a job that did not have this issue.


- What skills/knowledge do you know to be successful in your field from your interviewee? How is it useful for you to know and understand it?

Anthony’s emphasis on being a knowledgeable engineer who is not willing to compromise their design to earn extra money is encouraging. I also took away from the interview that being dedicated to learning and willing to spend the time to read scientific papers or Australian Standards to become more familiar with certain aspects of engineering is a sound piece of advice that I will look to put into practice. Also participating in functions organised by Engineers Australia will be beneficial to my understanding of the profession in future years and keep me up to date with industry standard. Staying in contact with university colleagues was also recommended, as they may follow a different engineering path and can provide valuable advice on topics that I may not be as familiar with. The job is not without its challenges and difficult customers, so Anthony advised that further developing proper communication skills early on in my career will help avoid confusion and confrontational situations. Developing patience when dealing with complex jobs and difficult customers was advised to help have success in all aspects of engineering.


- In what ways (if any) has the new information made you reassess your career plans?

The interview with Anthony has helped me focus on my main goal of being a successful chartered engineer. I asked Anthony a few questions about his lifestyle and he said that engineering is a great job in regards to living a happy life in Australia. The interview has encouraged me to keep and open mind as to where and what field I will end up engineering in as the years pass. To begin with I will be learning foundation and piling engineering and then see where life leads me from there. It also got me thinking about advancements in engineering technology and the longevity of the engineering profession. I think I will now be more open to learning new advancements in software and work on understanding where technology can be implemented in the engineering field and how its application could be developed.


The interview with Anthony was very beneficial as it helped give me an understanding of everyday life of an engineer, its challenges and how to have success in the industry. It has provided me with encouragement to finish my degree and begin life as a junior engineer eager to learn and eventually become a chartered engineer. 

08 December 2022
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