Factors Behind The Rise Of Refugee

In recent years, researchers have become interested in the increasing number of refugees around the world. According to the United Nation, just at the end of 2014, there were over 60 million refugees that were forced to leave and displace the country. In its essence, the term refugee is defined as a person who has been forced to leave their countries in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disasters. A massive number of refugees are mostly from Muslim countries which have truly important and strained conflicts that cannot be solved without any difficulties.

For example, the residents in Syria are day by day trying to escape the country from the civil wars. Luckily, there are now over 6. 3 million people successfully run-away from the conflict and most of them are settling in Turkey. Furthermore, there are 2. 6 million refugees that from Afghanistan currently residing in Pakistan to avoid the former Taliban regime. Last but not least important, the South Sudan people are struggling with the renewed civil conflicts, presently there are approximately 2. 4 million refugees fled to Uganda. Therefore, it is important to discuss this issue because as the number is shown above, the growth of refugees is increasing and accepting refugees into a country has triggered a rise in xenophobia.

Hence, this research will aim to analyze the increase of refugees with three relevant evidences to support. 1 Civil War Nowadays, the insurrection of civil conflicts such as Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia have intensified the refugee crisis. The term civil war refers to a warfare between of the same nation. For example, with every single minute elapsed, there were 24 people forced to escape their nation. This is enormous four times more than a previous decade (Edwards, 2016). From this evidence, it is clear that the refugee crisis is increasing at an unparalleled rate and there is no sign of this issue seems to stop in the future. Furthermore, it can be clearly seen from Wikipedia, in 2016, from an approximation pre-war population of 22 million, the United Nation (UN) distinguished 13. 5 million of Syrian requiring compassionate help, of which in excess of 6 million are uprooted inside Syria, and around 5 million are evacuees outside of Syria. Similarly, according to a Le Monde article (2014), there were somewhere in the range of 600. 000 and 1. 000. 000 Libyan displaced people in Tunisia, a significant number of which were political rivals of the present powers in Libya, and many of which are supporters of the Jamahiriya of Muammar Gaddafi. This spoke for between 10% and 15% of the number of inhabitants in Libya prior to the NATO intercession. In addition to that, as can be seen from the video “Global trends” (2016), it can be seen that upon fleeing their countries, the refugee may meet an imminent problem of acquisition entry into the refugee camp. This could be due to manifold reasons such as overcrowding legislation.

Thus, based on the examples, it can be concluded that civil war is one of the main reasons which lead to growth in the increasing number of refugees. 2 Sexual Orientation in Refugee Studies have shown that accomplishing shelter or exile status based on sexual introduction is by and large connected to a substantial number of lawful and procedural impediments and such applications are regularly unsuccessful. Present universal direction on evacuee rights for gay individuals is exceptionally scanty. The term Sexual Orientation refers to a person’s sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. For instance, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons are subject to custody in more than 73 countries and to the death punishment in five countries (Iran, Mauritania, Rep. of Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and sectors of Nigeria and Somalia) based on laws oppose to same-sex relationships and activities (RSTP, nd). From this evidence, it is clear that the LGBT community in those countries which have authoritarian rules hostile to same-sex events.

Moreover, it can also be clearly seen from RSTP (2014) that it is broadly archived that LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) people are the objectives of killings, sexual and sex-based viciousness, physical assaults, torment, self-assertive confinement, allegations of improper or freak conduct, foreswearing of the rights to gathering, articulation and data, and segregation in business, wellbeing and instruction in all areas around the globe. As the earlier examples, according to freemovement (2018), The aggregate number of LGBT refuge claims is 6% of total claims (3. 535 out of 58. 761), with a 25% starting choice concede rate. The allow rate for all claims (including gay claims) is 31%.

15 Jun 2020
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