Features Of Heroes: Batman And Superman

In Superman: The Movie it shows how love can get the best of people and make them do dumb things but why do people love certain things/people more than others. Well there are different ways of why people love certain things/people more than others because it makes them happy the most and people will do anything to stay happy because no one really wants to feel sad or angry every day. For example, when Clark first meets Lois you can see already see that he has a crush on her because he starts to act differently and when she shows him his desk he nervously bumps into her but she doesn’t seem to know that he likes her until later on in the movie. Clark uses all his powers just to keep her safe because after his father died he told his mother“All these powers and I still couldn’t save him” he feels like now that he has found someone that he loves & makes him happy he tries to protect her but she later dies in her car because of all the sand that was piling on top of her and he was too late to save her life. He begins to lose it and becomes angry which then he decides to turn back time, at this moment you see how love can make you do things just to get that certain thing or person back, but he’s shortly stopped by the voice of both his fathers which were telling him, “My son, it is forbidden for you to interfere with human history ” and “all I know is that you’re here for a reason”. Both his father’s warn him not to turn back time because whatever happened in the past must stay the same but his love towards Lois gets the better of him. The same love towards Lois is showed in Justice League when Batman puts a team together to bring back Superman which they did successfully but he doesn’t act as the superhero like you see in Dawn of Justice which is one thing that is different. However he starts trying to kill all the heroes but once Batman said “Bring out the secret weapon” Lois jumps out of the car and looks at Clark and once he saw her, he began to calm down and ignored the others.

Another thing is that he hides his identity but most of the heroes showed in both movies are hiding their identity besides cyborg because half his body is made out of parts. However each hero showed has their own reasons to why they hide their identity but why does Superman hide identity. One reason is in the 1978 movie people later find out about Superman and so people wouldn’t expect him to be in disguise because he’s this powerful alien/human so why would he want to disguise himself, Superman believed people wouldn’t expect him to be in disguise so that’s why he stays as Clark because people just know him as this reporter. It is also shown in Dawn of Justice when he puts on his glasses no one seems to know who he is but some reporter. Something that people may not have noticed is in the 1978 movie he wears glasses but he also changes his voice & he wears loose fitting clothes to hide his muscular body. He is also seen again in Dawn of Justice wearing glasses but they are different compared to the original but however once he puts them on he becomes Clark again. Another thing is in Dawn of Justice both Clark & Bruce we’re at the same party invited by Lex Luther. Wanye didn’t know Clark was Superman but Clark believes Bruce is Batman because he was up to no good. He hears Bruce’s butler talking to him into an earpiece which than he started following him until he was distracted by the news on the television showing people suffering. There are also different types of time periods when it comes to both the 1978 film and Dawn of Justice. The time periods doesn’t seem that important but it is because when you look at the 1978 film you see Superman wearing his super suit but compared to the one he wears when he’s fighting Batman in Dawn of Justice, they are very different because if he wore the suit from the 1978 movie and was fighting Batman it will probably be weird & something you would see in that time period, it wouldn’t make any sense because Batman would have been wearing something more in that time period and since the technology has evolved throughout time & its starting to look more futuristic. Another thing is in the 1978 movie his earth parents find him while they were driving an old rusty pickup truck but they were also wearing clothes from that period which look different than in Dawn of Justice but maybe they preferred those types of clothes, but then I noticed that the people in town would wear different clothes and suits. However in Dawn of Justice it would show newer cars, people wearing different clothes and also better looking suits.

Another important thing is the villains that are shown the reason why this is important because what’s the point of a superhero if they aren’t protecting the world against someone or something. Superman had Lex Luther in the 1978 movie and Batman thought Superman was the Villain in Dawn of Justice which he then used his money & intelligence to build a super suit to stop and kill Superman. After he realized he wasn’t the enemy because Luther tricked Batman to turn on Superman he later finds out Luther was the one who wanted to destroy earth. As you can see both Superman & Batman have to team up in Dawn of Justice to stop Lex Luther from destroying earth and to save Superman’s mother Martha Kent.

31 October 2020
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