Feminization In The Fields Of Science ,Technology Engineering And Mathematics

Feminisation is shifting the focus from man to women in terms of roles in society. This is so as to reverse the previous social masculinity (which are assigned specific tasks and stereotypes that boys or males are better suited for them than girls) that was done which is to say man had better or more privileges as compared to women. Feminisation is also the introduction of woman into the professions that were once pre-dominated by males this is done by employing new woman into a profession or corporations or the government offering more bursaries or school funding more females than man. It is a well-known fact that oppression, inequality and differences because of of gender have existed in the world. the blame can be put on a lot of things such as the lack role models for young girls as compared to males, this is to be expected as a large number of profession were stereotyped in the past as social development was not focused upon and girls were expected to carry out more domestic work than industrialised work.

The very thought of a woman persuading a career in science or engineering in the 1800s was obscured and simply unheard of. It was not only back in the 1800s as we could see the same problem in the modern day typical south African home we can see the girls been prepared to carry out the more domestic part this is so as African girls are expected to do most of the chores a round the house as compared to the boys. And it is notable that boys will receive a slightly larger allowances than the girl in the house so it is notable that female are oppressed from a young age. That’s why its is argued that women have the same capacity as men for moral reasoning and agency but the social system in which family systems or entire societies are organized around the idea of man-rule, where males are the primary authority figures the sexist division of labour, has historically denied women the opportunity to express and practice this reasoning. These dynamics serve to shove women into the private sphere of the household and to exclude them from full participation in public life.

Sometimes even when women manage to make their way towards professions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (stem) they are not treated the same as their male counter parts ‘women across the world are still vastly underpaid compared to their male counterparts. In the United States, the average woman will earn 78 cents for every dollar a man earns. Globally, that discrepancy is even worse at only 50 cents to the dollar. According to bustle “a fictional person with the name "John" was more likely to get hired as a lab manager than someone with the name "Jennifer" and gets a higher salary offer “again another example showing that man are more likely to get hired than woman, Women In Technology Experience Sexual Harassment At Work as compared to the males, 84 percent of women in mostly senior positions in the tech industry have been accused of being too aggressive by their co-workers who happened to be males.

There is no problem with female achievement. Women have caught up with men in terms of education. In fact, in the United States and a number of other countries, women now actually surpass men in educational achievement. But still yet the stats are stacked against women here According to the feminist theory which is one of the major contemporary sociological theories, which analyses the status of women and men in society with the intent or purpose of using that knowledge to better the average women's lively hood one who sees the world using this theory is referred to a feminist. While many believe this theory has a mission which is to make the woman a superior than the man it, but in reality this theory points out the faults in gender concerning inequality, oppression, and injustice and thereby making it possible to solve the problem.

Much feminist theory has focused on their interactions and experiences within society in order to ensure that half the world's population is not left out of how we see and understand social forces, relations, and problems the more people that could be made to see the issue the faster it can be solved. While most feminist theorists throughout history have been women, today both make and females can be found working and prompting in the discipline this not only makes it easier to create a better place for woman but it creates an environment where it is socially acceptable to see woman prosper and do better than her male counterpart.

So feminisation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics department is more than welcome as it as the main goal behind the theory. the introduction of woman into the stem work place as by feminisation combats inequality, With these developments, it would mean that there should be more women in leadership positions, and senior leadership positions can be occupied by women. This can have a positive affect to societies view of woman as well as boost the confident of girls all around as they would be shown that they can be more than what society had previously made them out to be.

Another sociological theory is the theory of socio-biology which applies the theory of evolution a scientific theory that essentially states that species change over time using natural selection which is a scientific theory that puts together evidence of change through time put together by the scientist Charles Darwin. It explains the evolution of animals and plants saying that the individual with the best traits that allows it to survive its environment will live on and pass on the specific trait to the next generation thereby evolution takes place.

When using this theory to explain society it says that we humans as a society will go through evolution to fit or survive into the ever changing environment by passing on the best character to the generation which is gender equality and justice or feminisation although this can take a significant amount of time, and it is known that human civilisation came a long way from back when women were seen as house helpers to the male and through time as we are slowly evolving so is the role of woman in society. So using the socio biology theory it is only fitting that feminisation takes place in society as it seems as the next logical step in the work place. True equal and fair societies are more likely to be prosperous and harmonious ones. Failure to tackle discrimination and to provide equal opportunities hurts individuals and families, negatively impacts our society, and costs the economy.

Stem or science, technology engineering and mathematics can greatly benefit the country as this way as the newly feminised work place could have a different perspective on an issue then progress could be made. workplace challenges do women face Although we’ve come a long way throughout history by women gaining the right to work and vote, there is still an obvious gender bias that lingers within the workplace as man tend to benefit more than women Being a working woman can be difficult when it comes to having a baby, as your carrer can be demanding a well as your baby, on the other hand society experts you to look after your baby than your career and while many women chose to do they don’t always keep their jobs after. Well over 50 000 jobs have been documented to be lost due to pregnancy, it also found that 10% of women were discouraged from attending antenatal appointments by their employers and 10% of women said they were treated worse by their employer after returning to work after having a baby.

The tricky topic of workplace sexism and harassment has become even more evident in recent years, in a workplace full of man women are sometimes simple prey to predator or he casual sexual jokes to being to man undressing woman in their minds in can be a controversial subject to tackle The Gender pay gap there are more men than women in high-level so accordingly the men should be paid more than women ” While you might think the uncontrolled pay gap is not a big deal, consider that this gap widens as women move up the ranks. While the controlled (men and women in similar jobs) gender wage gap starts at 98. 3 cents for individual contributors, it widens to 94. 4 cents for executives” so says The State Of The Gender Pay Gap In 2018.

It is even found that black women earn less than the average white women who already earns less than a male so racial discrimination can be also add on top of another problem this just adds to an unhappy, and unproductive workplace. In hiring senarios like the one of osama, a person of black ethnicity, applies to work as a receptionist at local science lab in a predominantly white area. She meets all of the job requirements even highky exceeding them, but following an interview the employer tells osama “you would fit in here”. A white person with similar skills and experience is hired instead. in this case it is not jst her sexuality being exploited as well as her race.

18 May 2020
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