Free Women In Combat And Their Rights

Rights are mandatory for everyone whether for human beings (males and females), and animals. Simply saying important because they lead to freedom. As we know, people usually say that women are first and then comes men, but they just imagine this. Women’s do not have enough rights in combat or anywhere as like of men. There are mainly freedom issues regarding combat especially for females. A few centuries ago, individuals imagine that females cannot handle the movements in the war because of less power, brain, efficiency and, they are not familiar with soldier struggle in life. In contrast, one of the famous soldiers such as Jessica Lynch fought her abusive captors with heroism and courage, which helps other ladies to show their strength and power not only in wars and everywhere. It is fruitful to have women in military during combat because they have better abilities and skills, physical health, and freedom level at army.

Women’s rights in combat should be released by considering their abilities regarding health physically, mentally and morally. They have multifarious intelligences to use in different aspects. Aung said, “Judgements of the status of women were based on their ability to make money and property rights after marriage” (Aung). The use of capabilities indicates their strength to work with any idea whether it is possible and impossible situation. For instance, in the present world, females are more enthusiastic to show their power in the different fields in which they are interested such as military, politics, sports, and other fields. Moreover, the author uses, “the women’s regiment was charged with gathering, translating and distributing intelligence…” (Aung). The benefit of intelligence in females illustrates that they can improve the figure of army force by using their perceptions in a specific way. In other words, women have some developed cognitive skills in their mind by which they can help the men who are in military. Meanwhile, females can help males in the army because they have better understanding to perceive the situation than men. Hence, by enlisting the women in military, soldiers can get benefits through the unimaginable abilities of women so that they can have combat to save the life of their soldiers.

Human health also considers in any field. Women’s health is very beneficial for military service in war because they have different ways to keep them healthy. The author says that the main idea of the military force is that the physical fitness training program is associated with the improvement of the war readiness which shows various results by measuring and including %BF standards defined in the AWCP (Bathalon). The main concern of this phrase indicates that fitness is vital among each and every soldier whether they are male or female. For instance, if soldiers be fit and fine then they will the service in combat much better than fatty ones. They will be able to run extremely fast. Similarly, females generally are healthy and fit and fine as instead of males because they do care more their body than men. With the result of this, ladies can do great combat at front position by changing different positions whenever they need during war because of the stability. So, military position can be enhanced by having healthy soldiers (women) in their field and gender difference can also remove from the mind of people as well.

Some people think that ladies should not be in military during combat for some reasons. This is because it has negative affects on their families and relationships. Cozza and other author say, “combat injury affects not only injured service members, but also their families and children” (Cozza. , et al. ). The use of combat injury linked with two different aspects. One shows the neediness of more soldiers in place of injured members in order to continue the combat. However, another one is family which illustrates the personal relations face enormous problems without them. For example, if any soldier especially women get injury at a high risk by which she can face death then it affects on their family. Lets take an example of children, after the death of their mother in war, they will not have the same habits as like when their mothers were with them. They will be depressed and sad. Nobody will be left to teach them. They will be alone whether the government provides pensions of their parents to them. But they can not get the sustainable future with that and also, they need better education and help of parents for that. Hence, to be in combat affects severely on children. The one more study shows that why women should not be in war by saying, “combat exposure among Army enlisted women was enlisted with an increased likelihood of developing behavioral health problems (PTSD, depression, at high risk drinking”. The use of diseases in women during combat depicts the hazardousness to someone else. In other words, if one of the females suffer from one of this disease during combat then it will affect her child when he or she comes in the world. Consequently, women should restrict to be in combat, otherwise it will have negative impact on the life of individuals.

Even though some people are not agreeing with the presence of females in military during war, but women also have freedom to participate in any area and they can do well in combat by having their knowledge, freedom and confidence. The authors explained, “female soldiers’ ever-increasing military representation and the progressively blurred distinction between combat and non-combat roles has led to…” (Carter- Visscher. , et al. ). The usage of increasing military representation of female soldiers presents their different war roles because of their efficiency. To illustrate, if women soldiers have different roles that means their freedom level at military organize their mind in a particular way. By doing this, they can make use of their knowledge on map (if they do not have computers in any situation) at different locations to safe the life of people. Furthermore, the author Brown said, “liberty and education, both together produce autonomous reasoning capacity are the mothers of virtue, and therefore equal to men and women” (Brown). The helpful words liberty and education demonstrates the symbol of equality between genders. For instance, in India, there are three colors in a most popular flag (Trianga) which have specific meaning for each color; such as saffron color indicates sacrifice and courage. Likewise, liberty means women also have capabilities which can they prove at different levels but only if they have freedom in proper way. Meanwhile, they can do everything, for example, one of the popular females in India (Kalpana Chawla) who is an astronaut, engineer and she was the first female who went to the space. She was also a woman and she did extremely wonderful at that time when nobody can do this just because she has courage. She was such a great woman. Therefore, women should have freedom to be in combat so that they can do well with courage and heroism for the country.

Overall, females should not restrict to be in combat because they develop their different capabilities, health and freedom stages at wars. Men soldiers can adopt pros of females’ soldiers by considering their brain skills. Moreover, army force should have such a woman to reach at higher level because they can do things in a specific pattern. Meanwhile, they have various understanding to overcome the situation by perceiving emotions sometimes. In contrast, sometimes females should not be in combat because mother is the one person who can shapes the mind of child and stay every time with child. Besides, liberty one is what is possible that women cannot do. They can do everything if they want. In my perspective, most of the time males give up if they cannot deal with the situation because usually, they are aggressive. Nevertheless, females are not aggressive as like of men; they have different emotions in which they have power to solve the problem by relaxing the mind. In brief, women can do achieve any higher level or goal; what need is courage and heroism. They also have fiction stories as well.

Work cited

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31 October 2020
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