Helping the Community: the Role of Human Service

This is human service role in helping the community essay where I will explain and analyse personal experience in social work field. In examining the human service setting I will speak to the organization, who it services, its vision, mission, values and will provide a very basic overview of the setting. 

The Mission

Souls Harbour Rescue Mission is a non-profit organization throughout Saskatchewan and has been providing service since 1990. The Regina location is open Monday to Sunday depending on the service an individual may need. The mission for Souls Harbour is to provide social and clinical programs for all ages. Souls Harbour strives to improve the well-being of people who suffer from addiction and poverty. Volunteers play a huge role in carrying out these services to anyone who needs the care. Souls Harbour has visions and values for the people to. 

The Vision

Souls Harbour Rescue Mission has a vision for the community of Saskatchewan, the vision is to achieve a better health and well-being of those suffering with addiction and poverty. Some of the services that are available to people are: food, shelter, and Childcare. It was my privilege to have the experience volunteering with Souls Harbour, I love engaging with others and have a passion for helping others.

The Values

Souls Harbour Rescue Mission believes that actions and decisions are based on values from: evangelism, communication, and integrity. When having consideration, you care about the relationship with those you encounter using the services and have a feeling of sensitivity and empathy for them. The people that come to this organization feel like they belong when we show them compassion. There is always and ongoing development and improvement of ourselves, it is an ongoing learning experience. We as volunteers are there to support the families and individuals and learn to accept them and be there to listen to their stories. The staff at Souls Harbour works together and give off a warmhearted feeling that makes you feel right at home.

The Setting

Each shift varied in terms of when I’d start, but before our shift starts, we introduce ourselves and discuss what is going to happen during our shift. We get our duties handed to us by the supervisor and either have to prep food, serve food, or help with the clothing store. The shifts I enjoyed the most were prepping and serving the food. Before serving the food one volunteer says a prayer, serving the individuals and families was a great experience. I got to meet lots of people and hear some stories they told me. The people we served really enjoyed that we made food and coffee for them. Some of the regulars who come for supper even started to recognize me after a couple of shifts and were very appreciative of my help; that was a very rewarding to hear. I enjoyed working in the kitchen as it gives you a sense of gratitude for being able to make food for those who can’t provide themselves or families food. Working in the kitchen taught me cooking skills and expanded my knowledge on how hard they work to make enough food for those we serve. Working in the kitchen gave me the opportunity to get the staff and other volunteers on a personal level and learn why they are at Souls Harbour; some of their stories came from a deep place of understanding on those we serve because they were once in their positions. It also gave me a chance to expand my knowledge by asking questions about the organization.

In working in this arena I want explein what have I seen in terms of the organization meeting its vision, goals, etc. Who do they serve, and why do I think this agency exists in an affluent society.

Meeting Its Vision

Although there is always room for progress, I personally think Souls Harbour is achieving their vision. They carry out their values every time I’ve worked there and ensure duties get done for the better of our community. I’ve seen how giving the staff and volunteers are even if they do not have much to give. We are there to understand, educate, and have empathy for people when they need it the most and take time to communicate with them. Being able to work willingly together with others for the better of the community is a great reward. The staff take time out of their day to run the organization and go the extra mile even when they have a busy schedule.

Who This Organization Serves

This organization is faith-based, Souls Harbour serves people who are struggling with addiction or mental health, live-in low-income households, or people who do not have employment. It was shocking at times to see those who came to the supper program as lots of the people looked like someone who wouldn’t be struggling. This reminded me to not judge someone based off their appearance because you never truly know someone’s journey. Some of the people who come might be too embarrassed to go anywhere else because of the cost they might have to pay. It was saddening to see the large number of children who rely on the supper program. When these individuals come to Souls Harbour, they are aware it’s a safe environment and feel comfortable. Each staff member ensures each of them are taken care of to the best of their ability and provide them with nutritious meals and give extra care and love for their children.

Why Does it Exists

I think this agency exists in affluent society because people are struggling with mental health, live in poverty and poor living conditions and are all in need of assistance and a change in order to strive to live a healthier life. Most of the programming at Souls Harbour are not run by governments but rather through volunteer support and assistance for example, most of the food severed is donated from local businesses or volunteers. One of the most shocking things I learnt from being a volunteer was the amount of people who need support. Souls Harbour serves roughly 200-300 people each day they serve food and has recently sheltered over 17 men, to me those results prove how much people need an organization like this in our community. Becoming a volunteer within an organization like Souls Harbour gives you a better understanding of what social workers do and what types situations they deal with because you are exposed to a form of their working environment. Learning how to communicate with people from different backgrounds allowed me to understand the issues people face. In today’s society, we depend on each other to survive and volunteering helps us come together as a community and overcome struggles in life. Volunteering is truly about helping others and have a positive influence on others.

Now I want to explain what was my experience of volunteering at this agency. I will critically speak to this: what did I learn, did it expose my to social work, including the ethical issues and concerns of the social worker as discussed in class.

The Experience

Volunteering for Souls Harbour was a great opportunity to learn. Not only was I able to serve the community, but also promote the things I learned. The staff provided us with public based learning opportunities. I developed leadership skills and communication skills and built friendships with not only the staff but those I served too. Volunteering for this organization makes a difference in the community and has a lasting impact on the world. Helping on the small tasks can make a difference in the lives of people. Volunteering brings people together and unites people from different backgrounds. The skills and knowledge I have learned from Souls Harbour will benefit me for the future of my social work career. During this experience I met some of the most genuine and kindhearted people. The staff made me feel welcomed every single shift. The manager always offered me the meals they cook up during the day for the staff and always asked how I was doing. The staff at Souls Harbour are truly wonderful people and make volunteers and those they help feel as if their right at home.

As said earlier in the paper, most of my shifts involved working in the kitchen and serving food. During my first shift, at Souls Harbour I greeted those who sat at the table I was serving. I created a welcoming environment for them and ensured each of them got a plate of food, coffee or tea. Once I started to serve more frequently those who came for supper often started to recognize me and sat at the table I was serving, to talk and be served. Everyone that came was friendly and made conversation. After this experience at Souls Harbour, it has inspired me to volunteer there outside this assignment, because of how much I enjoyed the staff and people I served. The amount of love that is expressed by this organization is something I’d love to be involved in long term. I think the personal growth and friendships I have made in only 20 hours of service is unreal. Souls Harbour pushes you to be a better person and give love those you encounter and that’s a very beautiful thing to see happening in our community.

Exposure to Social Work

Volunteering is about choosing to give your time and energy to something important, like helping the community. By contributing to the community, it was also a chance to improve my wellbeing. It reminded me that every person deserves food, clothing, shelter, and a place to feel comfortable. Helping this organization provide a safe and comfortable environment was such a meaningful contribution. While working in the kitchen I got to meet and work with new people and build relationships with others, we learned proper nutrition and not to waste food unless necessary. I never realized how much food I have wasted at home until volunteering at this organization because they use all the leftovers and scraps for other purposes.

In social work 100 you learn about the helping relationships, which involves 3 elements: deep listening, an emotional bond between client and worker, and eventful agreement on treatment goals and tasks. I got to use these elements while volunteering. I got to listen and understand what they are going through and build bonds between one another. When they shared events going on in their lives, I got to suggest goals and other supports in our community that could be achieved to living a healthier lifestyle. Using these elements gives you a better understanding of how to deal with people in a humble manner.

What I've Learnt

As a volunteer, I got more involved and widened my understanding. While getting to know the regulars that came for supper, I got to show support for them as well. Being able to support them and be educated is very rewarding. I have been educated just by listening and understanding, instead of listening and responding. My eyes were opened when I learnt how many people in our community go without being fed and depend on Souls Harbour for food. Being a caring person towards others in a selfless manner is to help people and improve the world around me. This volunteer opportunity has taught me to give even when I don’t have much myself to give. I learnt to be more selfless and less selfish. Volunteering taught me to be okay with stepping out of my comfort zone and dealing with situations I’ve never faced before. I learnt what the effects of giving does to not only the giver but the receiver. Both sides were incredible to observe. You truly don’t realize the impact giving does to those who have little. The giver sees how thankful the receiver feels and they both end up feeling a sense of thankfulness. Volunteering opens your eyes to wider issues going on in the world and makes you have appreciation for everything you have in life, most these people do not have what I have, and it makes me appreciate what I do have.

How This Experience Prepared Me for Social Work

Volunteering at organizations like this prepares you to be a social worker, because Souls Harbours staff and volunteers are dealing with people who suffer with mental health, addictions, those who come from low income housing, have no employment, or even homeless and need help getting back on their feet. Working as a volunteer helps me engage with those who came to the organization and initiate conversation with them, which is what social workers do in their profession. Sometimes the people I severed just needed someone to listen. As a kid I was helped by a social worker and experience hardships in life, I want to be able to do the same and help others overcome similar struggles. I have a desire to help others, it takes you outside your comfort zone to realize some issues that many people have.

How This Experience Contributed to My Interest in Social Work

You gain valuable life experiences and skills as a volunteer; volunteering allows you to meet social workers and learn what social workers do. It provided me with experience working directly with individuals, families, and groups. Social work is a helping profession and seeks to help people overcome some of life’s most difficult challenges. Souls Harbour provides a wide selection of services and support for one another, just as social workers provide the same services

Volunteering was the most successful way to gain hands on experiences in the social work field. While volunteering at Souls Harbour it gave me a chance to prepare for work in the field of social work and gain experience. Volunteering in organizations like Souls Harbour helps you decide if social work is really the profession you want to do and helps to decide what kind of people you want to work with.

During my semester, I have learned that there are two types of social work, direct social work and indirect social work. During my volunteer opportunity, it was more of a direct practice because I was working with individuals face-to-face and providing those who came to Souls Harbour with services. I have learned many life lessons through volunteering and by helping others. Volunteering is a great opportunity to improve yourself, others and all of society. You feel good after getting more involved with your community.

How this Experience Contributed to My Suitability in the Social Work Field

This experience contributed to my suitability in the field of social work, because it has given me the opportunity to grow as person and have a hands-on experience in dealing with some of the issues and people I’d work with when taking on a career in social work. In society today I find lots of people go amongst themselves and don’t consider the feelings of others as much as they should and think about what someone could be going through in their life. I am someone who tries offer empathy and compassion to those I meet, and this experience has helped me live that out in an entirely different way by simply giving. Like Souls Harbour I’d like to carry out in my future career in social work that never-ending feeling of belonging and love. I think I’d be suitable to be a social worker because I have the listening skills needed and the heart to understand on a more intimate level due to my personal experiences. I have a big heart and want to help those who struggle with mental health and suffer from society’s issues. Volunteering has reminded me why I want to be a social worker; to help those who struggle with more complex situations and open my heart up to others and remind them of their strength when they feel like they have none. Helping others can a be mentally and physically draining job and I think it takes special kind of people to be a social worker. I would be honored to take on that role in my life.

Work Citied

  • Hick, Steven (2017). Social Work in Canada: Fourth edition.
  • About Us Souls Harbour Rescue Mission. (n.d.). Retrieved from
08 December 2022
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