Homer And His Impact On The Greek Culture

Stories are often passed down from generation to generation. Literature was often taught verbally rather than written in olden times, like the author Homer. Homer was an author mostly known for his Epics, The Iliad and The Odyssey. These literary works were primarily passed down verbally until they were officially documented. Homer impacted literature through his epics and oral traditions.

Very little is known about Homer, but his time of birth is estimated to be around the Eighth or Ninth Century B. C. The location of his birth is said to have been Greece, yet some believe that he could have been born around Chios Island or Ionia based on the descriptions in his Epics. It is unknown as to who his family was or if he had a wife and kids because his works are used to find descriptions of his life, while “sadly a lot of his other works are believed to be lost in time” (“Homer. ” Homer).

Homer’s most important impact on the Greek culture was providing a common set of values that the Greek people could use to standardize themselves. His epics acted as a model of heroism and nobility that his people could subscribe to (The Greeks - The Importance of Homer). The Odyssey Award has been made in honor of Homer, this award is given to the producer of the best audiobook for children or young adults. “The Odyssey Award is jointly given and administered by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), divisions of ALA, and is sponsored by Booklist magazine. ” (Odyssey Award for Excellence in Audiobook Production).

Common themes in Homer’s epics could be heroism and homecoming. In his work the protagonists face many enemies and challenges “Not only does he overcome those external enemies, but also overcomes his internal conflicts despite some distractions. ” In The Odyssey Odysseus uses his love for his family and home as motivation for his actions and journey. (Themes in Odyssey with Examples and Analysis).

The study of Homer is not easy, as many believe he does not actually exist due to lack of evidence thereof. Yet, despite the question does he or does he not exist his works have still impacted literature and Greek culture. Homer impacted literature and culture from his epics and oral traditions.   

10 December 2020
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