How Did the Enlightenment Influence the French Revolution

How the ideas of enlightenment thinkers influenced to the French revolutions? In “How did the enlightenment influence the French revolution” essay we will discuss how ideas of this movement has affected the revolution. The enlightenment period was a great era that indicates the ideas in Europe during the 17th and 18th centuries. The enlightenment period is called as “the age of reason”. The enlightenment period existed from 1715-1789.

The enlightenment thinkers like Thomas hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jack Rousseau, Montesquie and Voltaire spread their ideas throughout the Europe and other countries. The enlightenment ideas highlighted the idea of natural rights and equality for all citizens.The ideas of these enlightenment thinkers strongly influenced to the American and French revolutions.The ideas of the French enlightenment thinkers mainly effected to the American revolution. The American and French revolutions were produced by the ideas of these enlightenment philosophers.

The enlightenment ideas such as freedom of speech,equality,freedom of press and toleration of religions were basically influenced the American revolution. The main ideas of the enlightenment thinkers such as natural rights,social contract,balance of power and separation of church and state were basically inspired both the American and french revolutions. These ideas effected the political,economical,social and scientific fields of the society and was a main cause of the french revolution. French revolution was a movement which was conducted by napoleon bonaparte from 1789 until 1799.

John Locke was a great thinker during the enlightenment period.He produced three natural rights.It consisted of life,liberty and property. It became a biggest impact on the American and French revolutions. According to these natural rights one person must respect the life, liberty and property of others.As well as it gives the basis for freedom and liberty.He declared that the government must protect these natural rights and if the government couldn't protect these rights, people have the right to topple the government. The founding fathers of the American revolution took his these ideas.Beacuse the American revolution was a movement for trying to gain independence from Britain.Through the declaration of independence which was written by Thomas Jefferson was talked about America's natural rights to life,liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson was created “the declaration of independence” by john locke's natural rights ideas to give a reason for revolution.

He emphasized through the declaration of independence that all people have three natural rights including life, liberty and property, all men are created equal and individuals must protect these rights for others.furthermore, he stated that people have the right to revolt to abolish heir government because their rights was not protected by the government. Through this he indicated that revolutions was essential to gain independence from Britain. In French revolutions, enligthenment thinkers such as montesquie, Voltaire and Jean-Jack rousseau motivated the people by making enlightenment ideas. The french people overthrew the king and created the 'Declaration of the rights of man'. It was created about human rights during the French was also based on John Locke's natural rights.

Jean-Jack Rousseau was one of the most greatest enlightenment thinkers in French revolutions. He created the theory of social contract and it became a biggest impact on both of these revolutions. In the revolution the theory of social contract provided the people the reason to defeat and to oppose their monarchies. The revolution started to oppose monarchies. The social contract became one of the main roots for the French revolution. Jean-jJck rousseau argued through this social contract that the people must have all the power and basic human rights of the state. Rousseau's theories of popular sovereignty and law were greatly impact on French revolutions. He indicated through this “popular sovereignty” that the people are the highest power of sovereign and legitimate state. So the french revolutionaries took these ideas to against the monarchies. 

Montesquie's theory of the separation of powers was one of the most important influences to both of these revolutions. Montesquie was a french enlightenment thinker who support for both of these revolutions through his ideas. He lived before the french revolution. He believed that everything in the world was created by laws or rules. He worked to save people from the corruptions of the french monarchy. He wrote a book which called “The spirit of the laws”. The spirit of the laws became the most important work in the 18th century and it was a great influence to French revolution. It consisted of the importance of separation of powers and how it works to balance the rule of the government. He further mentioned that all men were created equal and he also removed the idea of the divine right of kings through his work. According to his ideas people have the right,so people could conduct riots if the king did not have the right to rule the country. According to his idea on separation of powers, there are three branchers in a government including executive, legislative and judicial.It helped to creat democratic government and rule in the world after the revolutions. Through this the power was balanced and shared. American revolutionaries read it and followed the idea of separation of powes and they could establish a democratic government, but the french revolutionaries did not take his idea about the separation of powers and they became into dictatorship after the french revolution.

Separation of church and state was a great impact on the french revolution. During the period of monarchies,religion was a major role in the society. The church was controlled the king. Voltaire,a french enlightenment thinker wanted the separation of church and state and he fought for people's rights and freedom including freedom of speech, freedom of religion and separation of church and state. Because there were lots of abuses of church and wealthy of church leaders during the 18th century in Europe.The French revolutionaries realized this and took actions to get rid of it. Then this became one of the main reasons for French revolution.

The ideas of Thomas Hobbes was another influence to the French revolution. He was a revolutionary thinker during the enlightenment period. He wrote a famous book called “Leviathan”. He discussed through it that monarchies treated people unfairly and corruptly. Therefore people must conduct revolutions againt it. He indicated that rights always arise in a society, sovereignty and equality of people through leviathan. Thomas Hobbes made some important enlightenment ideas including the right of the individual and the natural equality of each men. These political thoughts influenced French revolution .French people believed in the ideas of “equality” and “freedom of the individual” which was introduced by the enlightenment thinkers such as Voltaire, John Jocke and other thinkers. The revolutionary ideas like Thomas Hobbes built up in America with the help of the enlightenment ideas and the the American revolutionaries helped the French revolution to spread these revolutionary ideas to the French people. After the French revolution, the french people began to fight against their own government and it led to the french revolution with the enlightenment and revolutionary ideas. They used these enlightenment ideas to develop limited governments and constitutions. These two revolutions used these enlightenment ideas to establish limited governments and constitutions all around the world. The bill of rights in America was established the protection of individual rights by taking the influence of the enlightenment ideas of natural rights by john locke and freedom of speech by Voltaire.

The enlightenment ideas such as democracy, citizenship and human rights were strongly impact on the revolution. Theses enlightenment ideas changed the view of people about the government and its policies. The enlightenment ideas of “liberty, equality and fratenity” became the motto of the French revolution. As well as these enlightenment ideas were also represented by the french nation flag. The french people lived with a very strictly government and they had least freedom to do things. Because of it they came to a revolution with the enlightenment ideals.

In conclusion, the enlightenment ideas were heavily impact on French revolution. The ideas of freedom, equality and rights of the enlightenment thinkers like John Locke, Voltaire, Jean-Jack Rousseau, Montesquie and Thomas Hobbes were mainly inspired in the revolution.The enlightenment ideas of democracy, citizenship and individualism provide people the freedom to express their ideas.


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