How Great Literature Embraces Ambiguity and Stimulates the Mind

Reading and writing are essential one cannot exist without the other. They are talents that are always improving as a result of small things that go unnoticed most of the time. There will always be a way for it to benefit our school performance, whether it comes from a book or a poem. Reading and writing in general aids in the absorption of information and the completion of leisure or school-related writing assignments. Our perspectives are enlarged when we study literature because we can learn about and understand people who are different from us. On the other hand, we may come across characters or poems with whom we really relate; it may be both exhilarating and reassuring to learn that your precise thoughts and sentiments have been shared by others. Literature teaches us to be sensitive to the whole range of human experience and to consider this when making decisions in our daily lives as a result of these influences. In addition to improving our writing abilities and expanding our vocabularies, studying literature helps us academically. Also, it may be said that great literature embraces ambiguity because it pushes us to critical thinking and exploring the world out of comfort zone. 

Reading great literature stimulates the mind. We like stories because it's fun to meet new people and immerse ourselves in their worlds, experiencing their pleasures and tragedies. In practice, an active imagination aids us in perceiving reality, making value judgments, and dealing creatively with life's difficulties. It even improves our ability to think and employ logic. We can see the world through the eyes of others when we read literature. It teaches the mind to be adaptable, to understand different points of view, and to step outside of one's own personal opinions to see life through the eyes of someone of a different age, class, or race. To understand man, we must first understand ourselves. Man is the theme of literature. Our creative and moral powers, our conscience, and, most importantly, our soul are all explored in its pages. We observe man at his apogee and at his lowest point, with every heartbreaking thought, action, feeling, and belief in between.

Literature is a broad term, but most people consider it to be writing that has artistic, cultural, or intellectual value. Reading more is a good way to improve one's writing skills. When it comes to mastering their craft, nearly every successful author extols the virtues of reading. Reading literature provides a guide on different styles, idea organization, character development, and more, in addition to fueling the imagination and expanding vocabulary. Literature reflects human nature, showing its underlying depths and intricacies, as well as its range of virtues and vices; it also reflects a cultural epoch, illuminating its structure and ethos.

Life need critical thinking. It enables people to solve difficulties and figure out what is true. Reading literature is an excellent way to improve critical thinking abilities. A reader must pay attention to details, draw connections, and establish their own conclusions about what is happening in the novel. Literature is commonly used by teachers to help students develop excellent critical thinking skills. It aids comprehension of the material and provides them with tools to employ in their future careers.

21 Jun 2023
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