How might you contribute to your own professional development and that of your colleagues


This brief presentation will show my experiences studying English teaching and my current teaching practice. However, the main question in this paper will focus its development through the course materials, how it has affected my learning/teaching process and some conclusions that will reflect how I want to improve my collegues´ and my own professional development.

Being a teacher

Being a teacher is a decision. It is a decision to have a different day each day, it is a decision to stay young, to try to change the world and mainly to learn all life.

Why be a teacher?/ how to improve it?

The first slide shows my position about what is a teacher and it shows why be a teacher. Nevertheless, my main reason to be a teacher is related to the second question in the slide moreover main question in the presentation: " how to improve my professional development. This reason is that be a teacher implies to study and learn my whole life. Questioning and autonomy are factors that built the basis of a teacher development. Questioning have been a very important part of this course.

However, questioning allows movement in the process, it makes each teacher evaluated everything. This evaluation makes teachers aware of their strengths and their weaknesses. The next step is to make those weak points evolve. That is development taking into account questioning. I am improving my colleagues´ profession and mine one As you can see, those concepts I exposed in this presentation are concepts that are important part of the course and teaching itself. Questioning and autonomy as the basis of a professional development. Am I wondering about my classroom evolution?, Am I learning new strategies in order to improve my classes? These concepts allows better teacher day by day.

Questioning and being autonomous are processes that you do with your peers, with your students and by yourself

Professional development: questioning and autonomy Regarding with autonomy, each person is the proprietor of its own knowledge. Whereas, when you are a teacher you need to be updating what you know all the time. Then, you are improving your profession when you look for learning, when you look for answers about every day issues, classroom issues and teaching as a practice issues. To conclude, when a teacher evaluates his/her own teaching practice, this teacher is improving his/her profession.

Furthermore, when this teacher identifies his/her weaknesses and tries to find the way to get better in those areas this teacher is an autonomous person, driving his/her own learning process. People that are involve in my "being a teacher" decision. I am a teacher because of my family and I was sure of it when I got the university. First, all I wanted to do with my siblings was playing to the teacher, explaining them what I have learnt in my school, whereas my parents have supported me a lot. Moreover, teaching provides me a different view of the reality. My career classmates have been an important part of all my process. Those are the external facts of why I wanted to be a teacher and why I want to be one nowadays. However there are more internal facts to answer this question.

13 January 2020
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