How Racial Discrimination In The United States Violates Human Rights

Racial discrimination is one of several words used to express the suppression of a race or various races, but more specifically, it refers to the ill-treatment a person or group receives as a result of differences in their culture, color, nationality, ethnic origin or immigrant status. Racial Discrimination is also one of the biggest problems in the world that are affecting education, housing, jobs, relationships, etc and this issue is causing several problems in society such as in our personal lives. One of the common issue that everybody can see is discrimination against other people of different nationalities, attitudes towards people who are of different skin color. Most people in the United States discriminate against people of other nationalities such as Hispanics, Latin Americans, Muslims, and other cultures. Many people discriminate without realizing their attitudes, also multiply of people are offended by what other people tell them. Here in the United States, many immigrants migrate from many countries such as Mexico, Honduras, and other countries that come with the purpose of having a better future. This country is recognized by the country of opportunities, it is assumed that here in this country there are many opportunities for society to progress. Just as Americans have benefits and rights, other people of other cultures should also have it without being seen in different ways, without being discriminated against and mistreated. Here the police also mistreated black people, why? for the same reason that they are black and supposedly, black people are slaves. Even the government discriminates, and the community is worse.

With a greater understanding of this topic, you can see the reality of this world, you can see how innocent people are discriminated against just for their appearances and skin color and the most important question is How does racial discrimination in the United States violate our rights? Racial Discrimination violates our rights for the same reason that we are not like them (Americans), we don’t have the same benefits that others have, for example, education, housing, and jobs. Many people have to go through a lot of circumstances that they have to deal with their entire life because nobody does anything about it and here in the United States live many people of color that have to go through this situation.

What I did for my research of this paper was going to the library of my college to search for more information in articles, books and also in videos. As I did my research I search articles about how does racial discrimination affects children, schools, and how it could be stopped. Also, my own experience with this situation and my family give me more information about their personal experiences. Racial Discrimination is one of the biggest problems in the United States because affects several families and creates a wall between us. Many people believe that Racial Discrimination is not an important issue in society because they think that people exaggerate when someone gives them an attitude or treats them differs from others. It also affects children and teenagers, and all of that comes from their parents, from their house. The article “The Impact of African American Parents’ Racial Discrimination Experiences and Perceived Neighborhood Cohesion on their Racial Socialization Practices” demonstrates that children become racist because of their education that their parents gave them and the reason that their parents think like that is because their parents taught them the differences between white and black people and the differences between poor and rich people. My point of view about this topic Racial Discrimination is that many people feel related to this issue that occurs in our lives because it is real, and that happened before and still happening now on days, still affect families, relationships, etc. But, at the end of the day, we all bleed the same color.

Racial Discrimination is a big issue that affects a lot of things such as children, housing, education, jobs. Children get affected more easily by racial discrimination because they are more offensive and it’s easier for other children to take advantage of them and make them feel uncomfortable. Racial discrimination does not just affect adults, but children in school as well. Many children are getting traumatizing in schools because of the way that other students treat them differently because of their skin color and appearance. According to Nittle (2019), “Black students are three times more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers, according to the U.S. Department of Education.” shows that Black students have to deal more with the issue of racial discrimination according to the U.S. Department of Education and it also shows how our children go through things like that, that even their parents don’t know what is happening to their children, and kids prefer to be quiet and not talk because they feel afraid that they will not believe them or they can make fun of that and just ignore what they are saying. Another evidence that can support my point is according to Garcia, Gamst, Glenn, Kernes, Jerry, & Arellano-Morales, Leticia (2020), “ his suggested that when Latina Americans are in the presence of White Americans and shift their behaviors, such as the way they speak or shift between the language they are speaking (Spanish vs. English and vice versa), they are more likely to experience discrimination in their everyday life.” shows that Latina Americans are more likely to experience discrimination than White American Culture. This issue is very important and also should be important to everyone because this is causing many effects in society, and also is affecting our personal life. This is important to keep in mind that racial discrimination is not a game and is not something that we can change from day tonight. Several people are affected by this situation and many people ignore that because they do not take interest in listening to the opinions of others or having a conversation to reach an agreement on instead of looking bad, talking badly and treating each other differently and we should care about this because this could happen to you someday and you would be ignored and offended by other people instead of finding a solution. We should not ignore those situations or cases that happen in real life because someday what can happen to other people can happen to us.

Another point that is related to my topic of Racial Discrimination is housing discrimination in the United States. Many people do not realize the reality that they are living in their houses, do not realize how the discussions between parents affect others who live in the same house and those people are their children or families. Many studies have shown that housing discrimination still exists now on days. There is also an Act for hosing discrimination that is called the “Fair Housing Act”. When the Fair Housing Act was first enacted, it prohibited discrimination only based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. A common problem that families have long ago and now in these times is the discrimination we create ourselves. We create a wall that separates two types of people when in reality we are all the same. In what sense do I mean that we are all the same? In saying that I mean that we were all created in the same way, we all have a mother who created us without planning it as she wanted her son to be and yet there are those horrible differences and treatments towards people who come from other nationalities, different religions, and different origins. This is a problem that not many people take into account because they have not realized or have not opened their eyes and have not seen the reality of this world, have not seen what is happening in this world, they only focus on what they are going to do the next day, but they don't think about how the society is now on days. what society is going on? For this reason, children now see people who are not the same color as them, for this reason, there is bullying because teenagers make fun of people who are not in a good economy and that causes those people who are seen more of bullying to make others bullying for wanting revenge. Everything we do in this life is all paid, but with the people, we love, such as our children. Many families who have problems with discrimination, their children learn from it and do what they learn in their home, outside on the street or to others. Housing Discrimination also has to be with the “Jim Crow Laws” because it talks about racial segregation. But, the laws of Jim Crow were enforced racial segregation in the United States. Those laws were enforced until the year 1965. Housing Discrimination still sixties now on days that many families are going through, but for everything, there is a solution. There are always places where they can help you, it's just a question of talking to someone and not being afraid of being despised or made fun of or ignored.

Another point that is related to my topic of Racial Discrimination is jobs. Why jobs? because at work there is also discrimination, maybe even worse. Older people are very pranksters but they don't know how to control themselves. Most employees are known by nicknames, nicknames that were created among themselves. These nicknames are created by people's appearances, by how they look, how they dress, what kind of people they are, their behaviors, their religions, and many other reasons. A personal example that I have experienced is that my parents call their work friends by nicknames and sometimes I did not understand why they called them with those types of nicknames. But, one day I went to my parents' work and they introduced me to their friends, and that was where I realized that these nicknames came from the appearances of their friends, how they look, how they talked or something that made them different from others and also, they told me that they called them like that because they don't remember their real names and it is easier for them to call them by nicknames that identify them so they remember that person better since memorizing the name is like something difficult for them. This is normal even for young people, young people are also called by nicknames but so far I have realized that adults use it more than we do teenagers. Many people create obstacles and barriers that make us separate ourselves instead of helping us as a family without getting along, but that would be impossible since we would have to stop all this but it is already too late because even the new generations are called by nicknames and not by their real names.

People believe that the United States is the greatest country and it is but also has defects like everyone else. When we look at physical characteristics such as skin color, race, religion, etc from the social definition perspective, there is no clear meaning that could exist. But, those characteristics make people unique, and they identify with those characteristics that unfortunately others see it badly, otherwise and make fun of it. Does everyone have to racist? Eventually, we have to change this cycle and stop this ignorance though this situation that is affecting many of us. On the other hand, many people believe that this is not a big problem in society since it does not affect many people and also because in this world several kinds of socioeconomic classes differentiate people from being upper-class, upper-middle, lower-middle, upper-lower, and lower. Socioeconomic classes are the total measure of a person’s work experience or a family’s economic. This causes a big difference between people because if it is true that there are people with more money than others, they have a better economy and they have another kind of life. Many people of the low economy are discriminated against for the same reason that they don't have money. Some rich people, not all, offend people of the low economy because they don't have money and are not at the level of those people, they also treat others badly with bad attitudes and behaviors that should not be done because respect always has to be in all circumstances.

How Congress can do to stop Racial Discrimination? The congress just thinks that just one race exits in this country and it is American. Discrimination based on race and ethnicity is unconstitutional, unlawful, and morally repugnant. The government should not be in the business of sorting people by such innate characteristics. Some studies say that the U.S. Constitution and federal law forbid discrimination based on race and mandate that all Americans receive equal protection under the law. Limited omissions to these requirements have been provided in particular, to remedy particular past discrimination but these exceptions have been abused to create a racial spoils system throughout all levels of government. Congress could also set a stronger rule for this issue to stop.

Racial discrimination is like a virus that people get sick with that virus and infect others and those infected people will also have the possibility of infecting people who are not affected with that virus and they will think and have the same opinions as others because of the people with the virus. But, if we create a cure to fight that virus, maybe there could be a cure to stop this virus that is invading our entire world. how people can say 'racism' when we don't know what happened oh is happening. Racism is more than what it is in the heart of an individual person at the moment where they are being victims.

The generation also has part of this. Many teenagers have the mentality they have today because of the education that their parents give them and also because of the people with whom they meet and are surrounded. Many of them allow themselves to be influenced by friends, so friends tell them, and they all obey pay attention and do what their friends do. But, there are also cases where children follow the parents' examples, for example, if the father is racist and thinks differently from other people who are not equal to him and he teaches that to his son, the son will grow up with that mentality, with those examples that his father taught him since he was a child. Many children follow those examples, that is something very common but some do not, some decide to say no and disobey their parents to continue with their own opinions without their parents saying or force them as they should think or treat others. The bad thing is that not many take that risk of disobeying their parents or contradicting the rules they have in their homes, so most teenagers do things by hiding from their parents so that parents do not know and make problems for that and that is why they decide to continue to obey the rules and customs of their parents, to be racist and treat others differently because they are not like them. This is an injustice because it should not be like that, people who have different opinions should feel free to give their opinions and say what they want without disrespecting their elders, especially their parents. If you have different opinions and you disagree with a family member, put a stop and say your opinion, follow your opinion, your thoughts and your points of view, do not get carried away by what the family will tell you, we are all free to express ourselves and to give our opinions without anybody to judge us, even our parents. and even this is still happening now on days, this will not stop if we do not stop all this, if not all this will continue and this will continue until someone takes the risk of saying a no and stopping this so that everything can change and one more problem is solved and they don't have to deal with or be afraid that your parents will tell you something about walking with someone of another color of yours. 

Nowadays it happens a lot that teenagers don't get together with people of another color, white people don't want to get together with black people because they feel contempt for those people and because they are afraid of being discriminated against or made fun of, but they do bad because others do not decide whom you join or not. You have the right to get together with whoever it is, but if you are one of those people who get together only with those of your same race, you wrong, why? Because you are being an ignorant person who does not want to see the reality and you would be one of those people that you discriminate against without any reason, without knowing that person you are talking about oh you see it badly, without actually knowing what that person is like inside, but the world is rotating that you will become very close or even be your best friend or friend of the least expected person. Many people make the mistake of discriminating and treating other people of the low economy or another race badly because a day will come where you will need help from that person or fate will put you on your way again. We should be grateful for what we have, what our parents give us, value even the smallest thing they can give us because they do everything with effort as well as education, follow the good education and not a bad one, it is not good to pay attention to what other people do, make your own way but for the right way, everything is up to oneself, if you want to be like those people who speak badly of others then go ahead, nobody stops you, but keep in mind and that you will be a very ignorant person without intelligence. First, you have to think things through before doing something that you can regret your whole life. Be yourself, and if you disagree with other people's opinions, it is better to just listen and say nothing because those people can take it badly and it can cause major problems. Racial discrimination is a problem that we all go through, be rich or poor, be black or white, be tall or short, be fat or skinny, but we are all the same inside, we all have a heart in the same way, we all have the same organs, we all have the same color of blood and yet we are discriminated against by ignorant people who do not see the reality that they do not realize that they do wrong by behaving like that because other people will see that and copy themselves from those attitudes that you did to other people, and those people will do the same, as I said racism is like a virus, we will all get infected if you say a no, the virus will not enter your body and your mind if you know how to take care of yourself and protect yourself. 

Many people go through horrible things that we don't know but one day we will do it if we continue like this, but for everything, there is a solution, it is only a question of putting our part to stop this problem that has been happening for many years, maybe since Humanity existed. You no longer know what to expect from this world but if I know that it can change over time, I don't think it's too late to realize and open our eyes to see reality, to see the mistakes we made during all this time. 

16 August 2021
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