How To Build You Strengths And Manage Your Weaknesses

"Obstacles can't stop you. Problems can't stop you. Most important of all, other people can't stop you. Only you can stop you.” – Jeffrey Gitomer, American author, professional speaker & business trainer.

We won't be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose. Weaknesses are normal and natural — we all have them. The only time a weakness is destructive to your lifestyle or career is when you don’t tackle it. If you achieve what you want to and are happy, then I think that is success. They are different and many ways of overcome your weaknesses and building your strengths for every single person. These are some ways advised by expects on the topic.

Find and acknowledging the weakness

If you can’t admit your weakness, you can’t address it. Nor change it. There are two types of weaknesses, ones that you can change and those that you can't change. You’ve no excuses here. It’s not: “I don't know why I procrastinate because I am so busy.” It’s: “I am a lazy last minute person.” Often, the truth hurts when you first realize and recognize it.

Love the problem to break it

It is said that Toyota’s management school loves to do this — when they find a weakness in production, they get excited by the prospects of improving on their weaknesses. You can do the same. Peherps you’re the worst time manager on earth. But you can keep a diary; you can plan your days, and you should not let yourself make excuses. That way You can stick to the plan. Is it a comfortable process? Hell no.

Most likely, you would much rather ditch your responsibilities some mornings and relax somewhere for the day, but you also know that if you did, you would soon have no work at all. You could be free to go to the beach whenever you wanted, sure enough; but you wouldn’t be able to have a beer or an ice cream quite so easily — because you would be broke.

Spend all your time and energy working on what you are good at and not on what you cannot change. For instance not focusing at your bad past that brings you down, but focusing on creating opportunities for you in the future. Looking ahead.

Some people prefer running their lives like a business as it is balanced, in that case you could use the SWOT analysis as a technique to help figure everything out. This is when you list your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in achieving the success or goals or vision that you want.

I was once told that "Success comes in CANS, and failure comes in CAN'TS." At first I thought " really fish tins types but no, the point of that is language. Most people do not use the right language to encourage themselves while some do.

There are people that I know that after achieving something and being recognized for it they become lazy while other are the opposite. But find what suites you and work with it.W orking on you strengths and weaknesses is like finding that balance in eating health, which sometimes is not as easy as it seems. Set achievable goals that you can work toward every day.

Work on finding that balance between your strengths and weaknesses. Strive to give each area some attention so that none fall behind. It will take some time and practice, but finding the right balance for you can help you make the most out of life.

03 December 2019
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