The Widespread Impact of ICT on Society: An In-Depth Analysis

ICT is the shorter way of saying 'Information and Communication Technology.' This form of technology gives the world access to information through telecommunications. It has similarities with Information Technology, but it is focused mainly on technology dealing with. Including Internet and wireless networking, digital phones, and many more. This is impact of ICT on society essay where this topic is discussed. 

For many years, information and communication technology has provided society with a vast number of new communication advancements. For example, people are able to communicate with others from all over the world by using technology such as Instant messaging, voice over IP, and video-conferencing.As such Social websites like Facebook, WhatsApp and skype allows its users to stay in contact with many on a regular basis. All of this has created a “Global village” in today’s society, allowing people to interact as though they are right next to each other. From this ICT is studied based on how communication technology affects society. 

The world today is a product of Technological change that has changed the way that people live today. From cellphones to medical scanners and satellites to lasers, it is found everywhere and has become a major factor in the lives of many today and without it society would not be what we know and some love. Despite its benefits, a digital divide is spreading, as many do not take precautions when using it.

Firstly, it creates Jobs such as programming, ICT teaching, web designing and network managing. Thus, leading to a disappearance in traditional jobs. As there is little demand for manual labor, the people producing newspapers and working in the factory are still more reliable. Most jobs have changed due to computers, for example, secretaries use office software, goods with barcodes are scanned and the police has different databases that allow them to track criminals. Also, within the workplace many are given access to computers through the internet. And with this, businesses barely produce written letters or reports, documents will be sent by email rather than post or fax, employees that have devices are able to work from home or while traveling, they can email and instant message their colleagues and clients and can access information online in carrying out research.

But there are many negatives such as distractions from the internet which employees would prefer to do like playing games, browsing the web and checking out their social media accounts and even reply to personalmessages rather than complete their work assignments.

So, as a result employer block off any access to these kinds of websites. But during lunch time or when one is not working restrictions like these are relaxed. And also due to technology some of the jobs in companies that require human labor will no longer be needed. And there has been a rise in new jobs but a big question many have is whether ICT has truly created or reduced jobs in the long term. But with all of these advancements in technology a huge impact on the entertainment industry was made. For example, there was a vast growth in downloads and streams in content that has been affecting the traditional supply chain. And as such there are many changes such as the little demand for raw materials, and less work in production and packaging factories, a decrease in orders, less deliveries, not much stock in warehouses and a struggle in income for street stores because of online shopping. 

Secondly teleworking, a product of technology that makes working from home a reality. Creating advantages like less traveling, choice in working hours, living far from work and saving money from no workspace. Whereas it produces disadvantages like little social interaction, the need for space at home and distractions from family or friends. Many employers today give their workers the opportunity to work from home. As long as they have a secure internet connection that gives them access to the company’s Database and equipment. Besides for this form of distant communication with their workplaces they can also use their mobile phones as their work phones, keep up to date with development within their workplace by browsing the intranet and be a apart of meetings through video conferencing.

As a result of this there are many advantages and disadvantages that not only affects the employees but the employer. First, the employees. With this change many of them would be happy to know that they’d no longer have travel costs, be able to stay in the comfort of their homes, be able to work for companies very far away and get more time to spend with loved ones. But there will come some downsides such as, loneliness, much more distractions and difficulty in separating work life from home life.

Then we have the Employers, the people that are not always paid attention to in these circumstances. They will encounter advantages that do not require them to provide their workers with a workspace and their employees would be happier working from home thus encouraging them to complete much more tasks. Then there are the disadvantages that deal with the lack of supervision upon workers and the fact that their employees might feel left out and produce less work. 

Thirdly, it impacts the world of finance, for example there are now ATM’s (automated teller machine), EPOS (electronic point of sale), EFTPOS (electronic funds point of sale), credit cards, debit cards, chips and pins. For example, E-commerce which has introduced a new form of trading which has advantages that do not require having a shop, worldwide trade through the internet, instant online payments, trading at home and when shopping online deliveries will come straight to your door. But there are disadvantages such as online fraud, internet safety issues for children especially, lack of exercise, hackers and viruses.

Fourthly, within the entertainment industry ICT changed how it is accessed as many prefer to read news online, download and use eBooks instead of paper books, download and stream music and videos online, download and play games online and watch tv online. An advantage of this the ability rent content online where you pay to stream music and movies for example for a period of time instead of downloading them. But then there is a major crime called piracy, which promotes the move to digital downloads that has caused a lot of concern for the industry and for copyright owners. Being able to freely access and download media along with not having any incentive is what makes it piracy thus breaking the law. ICT’s is quite beneficial towards the environment, for example it gives people the chance to work from home and decreases the need to travel to work. But, it does have negative impact. As getting rid of old equipment can produce problems. A way to deal with this is by recycling as the law says that companies are to supposed to do such with old equipment, ensuring that information on them are firstly removed.

Lastly, Health and safety. Using computers for prolonged periods of time can cause health risks. So, it is necessary to take screen breaks and also try to exercise your eyes, especially for people that work on computers all day. In order to avoid hazards within the workplace for example, it is necessary to make sure that all working spaces are neat and tidy, that cables are not scattered everywhere, Foods are kept far from all technology, there isn’t an overload of plugs on the socket, light isn’t reflecting on computer screens, rooms are well lit and that the screen is leveled with one’s eyes. There should also be adjustable screens, chairs, footrests, proper lighting and frequent.

In conclusion to importance of ICT in society essay, ICT’s impact on the Society, came with many benefits that impact a vast majority of the world, despite its disadvantages. Research has shown how much it is implemented into almost every aspect of life. With all of these advancements that the world already has it will be amazing to see what is to come. So as of now technologies advantages are way more than its disadvantages.     

10 October 2022
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