Important Aspects of Christian Marriage: The Journey Between Husband and Wife

Every year there are millions of couples in the United States alone who take a vow to love each other for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health; to cherish one another until death do them part. The basic marriage vows in the U.S., especially among Christians, treat marriage as a permanent union even though divorce is ironically rampant. Marriage has been an essential aspect of numerous cultures with various ideas about what it entails and how it should be practiced as a couple. The dimensions of marriage are diverse depending on the natural, social, cultural, and religious expectations of the time, even showing diverse practice united nations like the U.S.

In Genesis we learn about the creation of the universe including mankind. Adam was created from dust of the ground and brought to life by the breath of God. God then created a garden where he placed Adam to protect and till the land. Adam needed a companion that was bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, i.e., like him in order to assist in the garden. This is when God created Eve from the rib of Adam, and she became his wife. With the father and mother of the human race God established his expectation for woman and man to be in union with one another. Genesis 2:24 explains that man and woman will leave their mother and father, cleave to one another, and become one flesh. It is a natural longing and tendency, made perfect in God’s creation of our desires, to find a lifelong companion. St. Augustine believed that the union between man and woman was of exceptional value. In the “Excellence of Marriage” he states that marriage was the first natural bond of human society. From there man and wife would produce children to create the first social union. It is mentioned that God created beings to be connected to one another as members of the same species but also to form bonds of kinship.

The second expectation of marriage would be the social aspect it produces based on natural tendency to desire relationships with others. As mentioned previously the union between husband and wife is considered the first bond of human society. St. Augustine believed that God built man and woman from one another to show the strength of their bond. He states that “For those who walk together, and look ahead together to where they are walking, do so at each other’s side from which woman was taken”. Historically marriages were either arranged or an expectation set forth by individual’s parents. Most believed that marriage was an expectation due to the social, practical, and often personal functions it created which helped mold the structure of our society. Marriage helped to create social bonds for two families by offering wealth, land, and social or political power. Unfortunately, while marriage is still a part of our social norm, it is at a substantially lower rate compared to earlier times. Today marriage is not considered as valuable to an individual because of the strenuous duties and hardships it can cause, and because it has transferred from a religious matter to a matter of the state. Since it is no longer a matter of spiritual commitment, divorce is at an all-time high and is a normal occurrence. Marriage vows are not taken as seriously today as they used to be, and where it used to be the expectation that people worked things out for better or worse, it is now encouraged even in some churches that couples divorce one another for things like “irreconcilable difference.” The social impact of divorce has been stunning, where children are being raised more commonly in single parent households and with no foundation of strong social relationships.

The final expectation of marriage comes from religion and the significant role it plays in strengthening the union between man and woman. Especially in Christian marriage, Catholic specifically, the wedding normally takes place in the church before a priest with the exchange of vows. These vows are a pledge to God that created a permanent union between husband and wife, confirmed through his participation in the union. Since religion was and still is a key pillar in many families, vows hold a tremendous standard for both parties involved in the marriage. The most significant aspect of religious vows is the inclusion of God in ensuring their legitimacy. It is his presence and inclusion that makes the marriage vows of Christians more than a simple legal contract. In marriage having a relationship with God very vital in the success of some marriages. Establishing this type of relationship can help guide and strengthen the marriages by providing a foundation for the family and couple if they decide to procreate.

Every year there are millions of couples in the United States alone who take a vow to love each other for better or for worse, for rich or for poor, in sickness and in health; to cherish one another until death do them part. The basic marriage vows in the U.S., especially amongst Christians, treat marriage as a permanent union even though divorce is ironically rampant. With the father and mother of the human race God established his expectation for woman and man to be in union with one another. Genesis 2:24 explains that man and woman will leave their mother and father, cleave to one another, and become one flesh. The second expectation of marriage would be the social aspect it produces based on natural tendency to desire relationships with others. The final expectation of marriage comes from religion and the significant role it plays in strengthening the union between man and woman. Especially in Christian marriage, Catholic specifically, the wedding normally takes place in the church before a priest with the exchange of vows. So, to answer the question, what is marriage? I believe marriage is a journey between husband and wife. This journey is different from most journeys but similar regarding the different path and road block the couple will face. This journey is for the couple to reach a pinnacle of love together. To reach this pinnacle, the couple must develop a relationship and build a life around God. By doing so the couple will be guided towards true happiness, since they will not be focused on material goods but a transcendental power. When the couple reaches this level of happiness, they can then share this foundation with close friends, family, and the most important their offspring. This will create a never-ending cycle that can be passed down from generation to generation ensuring that God and proper practice of marriage can be practiced for years to come.   

07 July 2022
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