Innovative Materials In Construction

Throughout its evolution, human beings have stood out for their ingenuity, their capacity to innovate and their eagerness to continue finding new ways to reconfigure the world that surrounds them. This implies that it is always in search of more durable, efficient and sustainable materials that allow us to have more efficient, economical and versatile structures that are better integrated into the environment. While it is true that cement, concrete and instruments associated with traditional construction ( concrete mixers, elevators, generators, cutting tools and more) will continue to have a preponderance, there are new trends in this regard. More and more solutions are associated with the implementation of technology and manufacturing for more modern architectural purposes.

What benefits do they bring? Throughout its evolution, human beings have stood out for their ingenuity, their capacity to innovate and their eagerness to continue finding new ways to reconfigure the world that surrounds them. This implies that it is always in search of more durable, efficient and sustainable materials that allow us to have more efficient, economical and versatile structures that are better integrated into the environment. While it is true that cement, concrete and instruments associated with traditional construction ( concrete mixers, elevators, generators, cutting tools and more) will continue to have a preponderance, there are new trends in this regard.

More and more solutions are associated with the implementation of technology and manufacturing for more modern architectural purposes. Endless possibilitiesInnovative materials arise at every moment to try to solve specific problems that have been inherited from the most common industrial methods. The aim is to introduce new manufacturing techniques, the recycling of polluting components, the reduction in construction costs, reduce the carbon footprint, favor energy savings, among others. In this sense, we find materials that are biodegradable and that are used to make buildings, furniture, everyday items, packaging and much more. In addition to having mechanical properties that make them solid, light and durable, they can be found in abundance. Clear case are straw bales, plastic blocks, cigarette bricks and other notable examples, such as: ConFlexPave.

This new type of concrete is more flexible, strong and durable since it is composed of polymeric microfibers. These synthetic fibers make it more resistant to sliding and reduce the healing time by half. Replast. They are blocks of recycled plastic and their manufacture emits 95% less CO2 than the conventional way.

Using a modular platform, it is not necessary to classify or wash the plastic, it can have different dimensions and densities, and it has a great thermal and acoustic insulation. Breathe brick. Designed to be part of ventilation, these bricks function like a vacuum with cyclone filtration. They are located outside to capture the contaminating particles, filter them and discharge them into a built-in removable hopper. Light cement. Created by the Dr. in Sciences José C. Rubio A. , this material is able to absorb and radiate luminous energy. It has been conceived in terms of energy savings.

Terreform ONE furniture. This innovation includes banks for children and adults that are biologically grown to become furniture. They make a chaise lounge and a low-level seat made from biolplastic. Hidrocerámica. Composed of hydrogel bubbles inside, it can retain up to 400 times its volume in water. This allows you to cool the spaces when the high temperature evaporates the captured liquid.

Concrete with sulfur. Thinking about the future colonization of Mars, US researchers have created an alternative for construction with this mixture that had been developing since the 70s. More details about this innovative concrete. Culture of sustainabilityFor many it is clear that industrial processes consume many non-renewable resources, create toxic waste and spend too much energy.

In order to create a more sustainable model, these innovative ideas are emerging. Options focused on contributing to a more eco-friendly development that is in tune with reducing the effects of global warming and has green technology. Although its incorporation is gradual, sustainability pursues more efficient processes that are integrated into our environment. It may be that its viability is conditioned by acceptance or costs, but its development will continue to permeate the societies. Hopefully in the future these materials are an inevitable part of the construction, architecture and design of future cities.

11 February 2020
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