Jane Eyre And The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn

Between the two novels, the characters Jane Eyre and Huckleberry Finn share some relations along both paths of their life. Jane Eyre and Huckleberry Finn are aware of what it feels to have no support or love from one’s family members. Both teenagers gained nothing but self-sufficiency and growth from the mind and soul from emotional trauma in their past. The abusive relationship that Jane had with Mrs. Reed who is Jane’s aunt is similar to the relationship of Huckleberry Finn with his mother. Both adult figures are cold-hearted and callous towards the main characters within the plot in both perspectives.

Both scenarios of Jane Eyre and Huckleberry Finn caused both of the adolescents to mature stronger due to the constant emotional confusion gaining the stability of adulthood and understatement on the ongoing struggles of growing up abused. Whilst living at the time of the nineteenth century, the stigma of Jane moving from place to place throughout her childhood caused her to barely fit in and make new friends or get comfortable of her surroundings. Jane was nothing but an intelligent, young, and kind soul who faced oppression through the relationships of mean-spirited people which helped her to grow out of her shell. She became the woman many people have known for being brave and against the prejudices of womanhood and the destitute people.

Jane Eyre and Huckleberry Finn faces their own struggles through their early youth. Both characters grew up in such a time where racism, sexism, and misogyny was alive and well. Despite the unfortunate events, they grew self-reliance and grown to be ethical and moral human beings. The relationship between Jane Eyre with Bessie Lee is also similar to the relationship of Huckleberry Finn towards his friend, Jim who was a slave to his aunt. Huckleberry Finn changes his feelings towards the African-Americans because of the bond Jim and him shared throughout their story. He saw Jim as kind-hearted, compassionate, and friendly.

He changed his views about his one and only companion who supported him from the very start even from a low platform. The interconnection of Jane Eyre and Bessie Lee who was the only childhood friend who supported her throughout the roughest years Jane has ever went through. She’ll read her stories and sings her songs despite of what Jane was feeling or doing, just an attempt to make her feel better. The connection they had towards each other never fades from the beginning to the end of the story. Regardless of what Huckleberry Finn and Jane Eyre were going through while growing up, they always had the significant other who’ll never let them down and always be by their side no matter the consequence.

The similarities of Jane Eyre and Huckleberry Finn share along both lives are that they both flee from home from the danger they had towards one another. Jane escaped from her abusive aunt while Huckleberry Finn ran away from home from his abusive parents. Huckleberry Finn’s parents tortured him especially mostly his mother’s acts for the wrongdoings traumatized him in every way possible. Nevertheless, Jane Eyre was constantly emotionally, physically, and mentally abused from her own blood related aunt who took over taking care of her after her parents abandoned her. The moral of the story is that if Jane Eyre or Huckleberry Finn never faced the ongoing struggles as a child, they’re never seek their full potential and never be the responsible mature being they are known for.

Jane Eyre’s abusive childhood relates to the many children around the world who were abused or nearly killed by their loved one. Child abuse and neglect can cause the child to develop childhood schizophrenia due to constant emotional and mental abuse. Jane Eyre first time of having physical and mental abuse was from her abusive cousins and aunt. From global child abuse, many cases have been reported to the UN of rape, prostitution, and mutilation. Most of 78% of children up to ages 3-18 were victims of neglect. Sources of the nineteenth century (the time Jane was born in), recognizable cases of child neglect such as infanticide, injury, deliberate child neglect, and neglect to ignorance and poverty happened frequently around that time.

07 September 2020
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