Judge Kavanaugh’s Accusations: The Death of Due Process

In the era of the #MeToo movement, no man seems to be safe from falling prey to false accusations of sexual assault, and inevitably have his reputation tarnished, and his dreams crushed as everyone rushes to take the side of his accuser, without even listening to the defendant. An example of such conduct happened in Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s judiciary committee hearing, where Democratic senators told Dr. Christine Ford “I believe you,” without bothering to hear the other side of the story. If you haven’t been paying attention to the media circus surrounding the Kavanaugh debacle, here’s a quick run-down of the events that you can use to debate your liberal friends:

  • President Trump appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on July 9, 2018 after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement on June 27, 2018.
  • Christine Ford sent a letter to Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein claiming she had been sexually assaulted by Mr. Kavanaugh on July 2018.
  • Dr. Ford’s letter gets leaked close to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation date.
  • Dr. Ford accuses Mr. Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in an unknown location and in and unknown time, at a party with 4 other people, all of which have come forward saying that they have no recollection of any such party ever taking place. Dr. Ford remembers nothing about this incident but that she “had only one bear” and the alleged sexual assault of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge. Ford has also testified that she talked to her therapist about the incident a few years ago but refuses to share the therapist notes.
  • A second accusation was made by Deborah Ramirez, a woman who accused Kavanaugh of “exposing himself to her” at a university party. Again, no one has corroborated her story so far, despite it being set in a public location. Her best-friend at the time has publicly denied ever hearing of the story and questioned Miss Ramirez’s motives as “possibly political”.
  • A third accuser came out of the woodwork with a story, backed by Stormy Daniel’s lawyer Michael Avenatti, so hard to believe, that even Top-Ranking Democrats are keeping it at bay. The accuser, Julie Sweatnick claims to have attended the same parties as Judge Kavanaugh, during which time she was in College and Mr. Kavanaugh in high school.

In these parties, Sweatnick claims, “gang-rapes were taking place” and being perpetrated by Judge Kavanaugh and his friend, Mark Judge. The main, out of many, questions that this story raises are: Why are there no police records of this alleged gang-rape epidemic in high school parties? Why didn’t Miss Sweatnick, as the adult in a party of minors, contact the authorities? And, most importantly, why did Miss Sweatnick and other female students continue going to parties where girls were being gang-raped? These questions are nothing new, they have been pointed out by many publications to date due to how glaring they are.

Confronted with the proportionality of the evidence (near to none) and the effect it has had on Mr. Kavanaugh’s life and career, potentially jeopardizing everything he has built over the years, such as his reputation and performance as a judge, we need to ask ourselves if we are ready to throw due process out of the window in favour of this delusional principle of “women would never lie about sexual assault”. As evidence has shown us, no human is exempt from lying and deceiving, and as many cases have shown us, ranging from the same accusations made against Supreme Court Judge Thomas Clearance in 1991, Mr. Tucker Carlson from Fox News, or even Brian Banks, a high school football star who was put in prison for 5 years on the basis of an accusation with little to no proof, that the accuser later confessed to fabricating.

In fact, studies have found that in Europe and the US, false rape and sexual assault allegations are estimated to be between 2% and 6% in comparison to 4% in the UK, which means that, while most accusations are in fact true and those victims absolutely deserve justice for the horrible, gut-wrenching, experiences they’ve gone through, we should not ever throw due-process out of the window and act as if an accuser is inherently a victim. We must remember “innocent until proven guilty” should always be uphold in a court of law, if we are to see justice done for the victims of sexual assault and for the victims of false sexual assault allegations.

13 January 2020
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