Smaller Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal

‘’lesser artists borrow, great artists steal,’’ as Igor Stravinsky used to say. Igor’s output is typically divided into three different style periods, a Russian period, a neoclassical period and a Serial period. Stravinsky made iconic music that was not known or popular at the time, then grew to be one of the best and most liked artists of the classical era.

A Great Russian, American composer was born in 17th of June, 1882 in Oranienbaum- Russia. He came from an artistic family. As his father, Fyodor, who was a great bass, and his mother, Anna, who was a talented pianist. His wife Catherine Nossenko, that they had four children. When he was a little boy, he took piano and music lessons. He studied philosophy and law at St. Petersburg University, who graduated in 1905. Igor had a lot of ancestors, some traceable back to the 17th-18th centuries, to the bearers of the Soulima and stravinsky’s Coat Arms. Stavinsky’s Polonized Lithuanian or Belarussian land owners. He studied music with Nikloai Rimsky Korora Kav from 1903 – 1906.

Nikolai Rimsky Korsakov was a well -known composer ,teacher and music from Russia. A member of ‘the five’-a group of five prominent 19th century Russian composers who worked together –he also had immense influence on the development also had immense influence on the development also had immense influence on the development of nationalistic ‘moscalski’ style of classical music.

In 1918 stravinsky was forced to flee Russia whith his family due to the first world war, he decided to move to swiserland ,although he was extremely homesick ,he delt with his home sickness by using Russian folklore as an inspiration for his work, even though most compositions at that time were a jazz influence some of his best known works are’’ Renard’’ composed between 1915 and 1916, and’’ Les Noces’’, which he started in 1914 but didn't complete until 1923.

In 1920 igor Stravinsky moved with his family to France ,were they lived for the next two decades ,in that time igor made a lot of notable oppra music like Mavra (1922), an opera-oratorio Oedipus Rex (1927) and the 'white' ballet Apollon Musagète (1928). He continued his prolific output into the 1930s, composing such works as Symphony of Psalms, Persephone .

Following the deaths of his wife and a daughter, Igor moved to the united states in 1939,were he gave a little lectures at Harverd university, and later in 1940 he married an artist and desighner that goes by the name’ Vera de Bossette ‘’ also in that year he finished one of his most waites for symphonies in c.

Even though he was nearly arrested for rearrangement of the national anthem in 1944,he did become an official U.S citizen , due to him settling in los Angeles in 1945 , and went on to enjoy more successes with such operas as The Rake's Progress (1951) and Agon (1957). 

07 July 2022
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