Unleashing the Power of Lifelong Learning for Soldiers
This lifelong learning essay is to inform you on lifelong learning. Lifelong learning is the act of continuing education throughout a lifespan and adapting the SBT learning style to new Soldiers. Lifelong learning also creates competent Soldiers out of AIT. Competent Soldiers strive to continue learning to better themselves and the Soldiers around them. In the Army, continuing education gives greater understanding of common goals and objectives. Direct motivation enables Lifelong learning in the Soldier. Lifelong learning creates structure in a Soldiers life.
Lifelong learning develops Soldiers throughout a lifespan. When practicing this method, a Soldier becomes successful and well-rounded. Continuing education through a lifespan consists of being competent in his/her MOS. Lifelong learning also drives the Soldier to achieve above standard expectations of themselves. Lifelong learning is in use in every stage to include trainees. Trainees involved early in their careers are willing to further develop the want to keep learning new things. The Army has a program dedicated to Soldiers becoming involved in furthering education. The program introduced is Army 2020. Army 2020 focuses on Soldiers advancing education throughout their Army career. Army 2020 is implemented at the lowest level to Soldiers in AIT. Find a choice skill or topic to learn. Learning a transferrable skill enjoyable to the Soldier increases willing attitude to succeed. In May of 2013 the Army implemented a new form of learning known as Skill based Training (SBT). Skill Based Training focuses on group cohesion. This skill will train Soldiers on modern training aids. The level of understanding the Soldier has upon graduating AIT is greater than previous years. A greater understanding leads to the drive to move forward. Soldiers have better understanding with modern training aids that helps with furthering knowledge. Smarter Soldiers in the Army develop each other and Soldiers underneath them. Developing Soldiers for an active learning lifestyle encourages Soldiers to understand wrong and right. 'Nearly a decade of conflict has shown the Army that it is extraordinarily difficult to prepare Soldiers for every battlefield contingency. Instead, Soldiers and leaders must master a set of critical core competencies that provide a foundation for operational adaptability,' according to the Training and Doctrine Command Pamphlet 525--8--2, Army Learning Concept 2015.
Soldiers who are more developed interact with peers and subordinates actively. Lifelong Learning is a plan to engage Soldiers during their career and afterwards through civilian life. SBT contributes to Soldiers overall readiness and participation in activities. Lifelong learning builds effective followers. Effective followers are essential to the future leading. The Army is in need of future leaders. Soldiers in leading positions are required to be effective leaders. Becoming an effective leader requires Soldiers to take initiative and execute the mission at hand. Practicing lifelong learning creates active mindsets. Active mindsets harbor effective follower traits in the Soldier.
Lifelong learning creates competency in young Soldiers. According to Maj. Gen. Larry D. Wyche, a Soldier in AIT learns with modern equipment. Modern equipment gives the Soldier a new form of experience. Soldiers react with confidence in an active environment. Lifelong learning creates an active response in the Soldier. Hands-on training at the low level sparks a fire and a will to succeed in level 1 tasks. Scope of knowledge at basic tasks unlocks will power to move forward to complete higher tasks. Soldiers positively reinforced for their success strive harder to reach higher goals. Soldiers achieving Military goals mirror success in civilian life. Lifelong learning creates discipline throughout daily life. Competency with performance completes the Soldiers development and increases the knowledge needed to become an effective leader. Soldiers and instructors alike have responded positively to the change in training strategy. Soldiers receive instruction in a collaborative learning environment with fewer slide presentations, take part in more opportunities for experiential learning, participate in peer-to-peer instruction, and engage in scenario-driven realistic training in accordance with SBT tenants. Lifelong learning is effective on all levels of the United States Army.
Lifelong learning in conclusion, develops education throughout a lifespan. Lifelong learning educates Soldiers early on in the Army lifestyle. Lifelong learning breaks down education assets to hands-on performance evaluations. Soldiers take away personal experience from training. Training with Skill Based Learning transforms learning from dry to active. Soldiers actively using lifelong learning become knowledgeable, motivated, and successful in further activities in their careers. Continuing lifelong learning will increase the knowledge and readiness of Army 2020. Lifelong learning contributes to personal goals, along with military achievement. When lifelong learning is applied, Soldiers are more insightful and logically thinking, therefore problem solving is reduced in the Army.