Literary Analysis Of A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

The narrator in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children” consists of using characters logic for crucial determinants, creating false assumption, misleading who the angel really is. The false interpretation implied by characters redefines and shapes the overall view of the angel as wild creature. Although the use of similes, imagery, and logos used by the author help convey a tale for children, by using logical and assumptions, it helps determine every incorrect idea each character has on the angel.

Pelayos quickly assumes the fallen angel in the courtyard was a sailor by using logos to back his idea up. Pelayos believes the angel is a sailor due to its “strong sailor voice”. He quickly assumes by using logic of why the angel is entangled in the mud, believing his logical reasoning. “That was how they skipped over the inconvenience of the wings and quite intelligently concluded that he was a lonely castaway from some foreign shipwreck by the storm”. By using the words “skipped over” and “intelligently concluded”, it cleary hints how the use of logos is applied in the tale, because that was the reasoning to believe the angel was a sailor without any other evidence to provide he was. Father Gonzaga also has a mutual way like Pelays, and others, of quickly assuming his claim about the angel. “He reminded them that the devil had the bad habit of making use of carnival tricks in order to confuse the unwary”.

The audience in the tale has a tendency to logically believe in Father Gonzaga because he logical reasons and connects the idea that the angel is the development using a carnival trick. The use of logos creates every claim aimed towards the angel believable, redefining who the angel is. The assumption redefines the idea of what an angel is to be, but is the complete opposite. The author portrays and depicts information by using similes and imagery. The similes create a good image of how, for example, the angel looks like stuck in the mud. “He was dressed like a ragpicker”. This clearly creates an image of how the angel was view creating support for the logical reasons the author used to make the audience believe the authors logic.

The use of similes slowly builds on the idea of how the angel is interpreted to be and also the conditions. “As if weren’t a supernatural creature but a circus animal”. The author pictures a clear idea how the angel is looking like in the chicken coop making the audience notice, and display why it was logical to believe he is not an angel, the conditions and the concrete details of his state of being by making the angel to be dehumanized completely. “At the pitiful man who looked more like a huge decrepit hen among the fascinate chickens. ” This is another example on how the human qualities the angel has are stripped away, creating a negative image for the angel, allowing the bad logical reasons be accepted. The similes also eliminate the stereotype on how an angel is originally appearance is, but in this tale, the author created a bad image for the angel, allowing the use of these similes to give a bad impression of the angel, creating a bad image for the angel. The author uses a wide amount of details creating a bad image for the angel to the audience, because of the use of similes and imagery it is logically inferred what he is to be.

Overall this fictional tale was intentionally created to make it easier for children to understand the logical aspect of the tale. In the end, all the assumptions or logical explations what the angel where misinterpreted. The angel in the end was an actual one.

10 October 2020
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