A Mad Tea Party of Symbolism: "Alice in Wonderland" Analysis

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: analysis essay

This analysis essay explores the themes of nonsense, adventure, and the power of imagination in Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll's classic children's book. With a setting that defies logic and a plot filled with unique and fascinating characters, the story captivates readers of all ages. From the rabbit hole to the garden of the Queen of Hearts, the journey of Alice challenges our notions of reality and rationality. Through Alice's experiences, Carroll invites readers to question the world around them and to embrace the power of imagination. The book is not only a story for children, but it also delves into philosophical ideas that even adults can relate to. The theme of nonsense and illogical reasoning is presented throughout the novel as Alice encounters strange creatures and situations that defy all logic. Furthermore, the novel serves as a commentary on Victorian society, with its strict rules and social conventions that were often at odds with human nature. Overall, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" is a thought-provoking and entertaining novel that has captured the imaginations of readers for over a century, making it a timeless classic that continues to inspire new generations.

Furthermore, from the beginning of this novel, the unique trait of the story is noted. In the first chapter, “Down The Rabbit Hole”, it is presented a scene where Alice fells down slow, for a very long time. This scene emphasizes the fantastic aspect of this novel. Also, when she finally gets down, she goes to a big room with lots of doors. Because all the doors where locked, she managed to get a drink that would make herself smaller. After drinking the potion, she manages to get the key of one of the doors and unlocks it. Also, shortly after this episode, she finds a piece of cake which reverses the effect of the drink by enlarging her. This way, this chapter makes a link to the real life by representing the changes of maturation.

In addition, another aspect which emphasizes the nonsense conformation of this novel are the personages, which are very unique and important. Mainly, in the Wonderland there are humans, such as Alice, and fictional characters, such as the cat, the guards and the Mad Hatter. Alice, on one hand, is a very intelligent, polite and curious girl who is fascinated by the magic world, which is full of creatures. Even though she can get very fast annoyed, she is ready to do whatever she needs to do. On the other hand, there is the Mad Hatter, one of the strangest characters in this book. He is a very unpolite character and sometimes makes Alice can’t stand him. In the seventh chapter, he is described by the Cheshire Cat as mad: when Alice asks the cat “what sort of people live about here?”, he responses: “in that direction lives a Hatter, and in that direction, lives a March Hare. Visit either you like: they're both mad!” In conclusion, the novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, by Lewis Carroll, is a novel in which is presented a 7 years old girl in a fantastic world, who had to face serious problems. Also, the main theme is well summarized by Martin Gardner, who said that “life viewed rationally, and without illusion, appears to be a nonsense tale”.

31 October 2020
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