Literary Analysis Paper On The Game Call Of Duty: Roads To Victory

For this literary analysis I am doing this paper on Call of Duty: Roads to Victory. First, I would be going over when the game came out and the story mode. Next, we investigate the plot of the game. Giving a brief summary on what the different operations you will play in during this game. Then, we go into specific dialogues between certain non-playable characters and the character you play as. In the game Call of Duty: Roads to Victory it showing us what military tactics and what it is like in actual combat. The game came out March 14, 2007. This game is a first-person shooter setting during World War. In the story mode lets you play as an American, Canadian and British Soldier. There are 14 different Campaign missions. When you play as the American soldier you are in the 82nd Airborne Division. You play in the following missions Operation Avalanche, Detroit, and Market Gardening. While playing in the Canadian Army. You are part of the 1st Canadian Army playing different soldiers within the unit. You take part during the Battle of Scheldt, Operation Infatuate, and Operation Blockbuster. Finally, you are in British Parachuting Regiment and you play in Operation Market Garden and Operation Varsity. The plot of the game begins in Italy where the player, “playing as Private Derrick Warren from the 82nd Airborne Division, takes part in an attack to recapture Altavilla from the Germans”. Then we move back to the ground where you as the player begins to “control Sergeant Gerald Miller who defends a convoy passing through Nijmegen”.

Finally, you move to begin playing as “Corporal Alan Bradshaw of the Calgary Highlanders, the player takes part in the Battle of the Scheldt and Operation Infatuate”. Playing as Corporal Michael Dabrowa of the 6th Airborne Division, the player then attacks the Arnhem bridge and later defends the bridge from a German attack. In this section we give a brief summary explaining what some of these missions are. In Operation Avalanche it was side mission to the main missions. Operation Baytown, the invasion of the Italian mainland, was launched across the Strait of Messina, with British and Canadian troops of British XIII Corps landing at Reggio Calabria without opposition. At Taranto, four British cruisers disembarked troops of British 1st Airborne Division, taking the port city with Italian cooperation; the British troops began marching inland after sundown. To the west, the main Allied assault on Italy, Operation Avalanche, began with the landing of two British divisions and one American division at Salerno; the British troops pushed 8 to 11 kilometers inland, which the Americans held on to a precarious beachhead. To the north, German troops disarmed their former Italian allies and classified them as prisoners of war while a new Fascist Anti-Badoglio government was formed. Further north, German troops captured Rome; the Germans suffered 619 casualties, and the Italians 1,295.11 Sep 1943 British 1st Airborne Division captured Brindisi and Bari, Italy without resistance; in the opposite direction, the British paratroopers also linked up with Canadian troops of British XIII Corps which had landed at Reggio Calabria eight days prior. On 17 Sep 1943 British Eighth Army linked up with US troops near Salerno in Italy; Albert Kesselring issued the order to break off the counteroffensive at Salerno and form a defensive line.18 Sep 1943 Headquarters of British V Corps arrived at Taranto, Italy. In Operation Market Garden you play in the U.S Army and later in the British Army. Operation Market Garden, leading to the liberation of Nijmegen and its environs, started on 17 September 1944. The task of the paratroopers is landing in the vicinity of Groesbeek. They were tasked to tasked to Overasselt and Grave was four-fold; occupying the Groesbeek heights, capturing the Maas bridge at Grave intact, getting hold of the bridges across the Maas - Waal canal and occupying the, strategically very important bridge, across the Waal at Nijmegen. On 18 September, some hundreds of gliders with supplies and material landed at Klein Amerika and Knapheide, near Growesbeek.

The bridge at “Grave and the small lock bridge at Heumen” was captured intact. For the Rijksweg and Scheidingsweg, the British troops headed for Nijmegen where they were seriously delayed and arrived on the 19th of September. On that same day the “decision was taken to cross the river Waal the following day around 1:00 pm” because the British troops, who were fiercely fighting in Arnhem who were hoping to be reached in time. Despite many losses their efforts succeeded; “the bridge ramps were captured and around 7:00 pm”, and several British Sherman tanks could hopefully storm the Waal Bridge. According to reports not even two days has past and about 350 gliders landed with reinforcements and material. They were going to be landing at Overasselt but the “Polish Paratroopers who delayed due to bad weather had not been able to jump into Driel on September the 21st”. On September the 25th, after about nine days of fighting the British and Polish troops stationed in the vicinity of Arnhem had to abandon their positions. Also, they made a movie about this operation and it was called “A Bridge too Far”. A Bridge to far shows what took place. Showing how the British planning and rushing to accomplish this task failed because Montgomery (also known as Monty). It was his planned, but he hated how the Americans were running point and not him. There was no communication between the Allies. The game doesn’t go into all of this, but you only play in certain key strong points. In the game, you are playing with in the following missions while in the Canadian army but in real life you don’t hear much about them because they weren’t much of a military. In the Battle of Scheldt takes place with landing in the Netherlands. On August 26th and 27th, after cleaning up a pocket of fierce resistance in the forest of the Londe, “The 3rd and 4th Canadian Divisions” crossed the Seine near Elbeuf and reached Rouen on the 30th. In early September, “II Canadian Corps” was moving speedily through northern France. In Boulogne, as early as September 5th, the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division faced a garrison and launched their attack on the port city after days of intensive air raids. From “September 25th to October 1st”, 1944, the Canadians finally overwhelmed the enemy of about 7,500 who defended the town. On “October 2nd, 1944, the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division marched north” from Antwerp towards South Beveland. Bloody fighting went on until October 16th, as Canadian and German soldiers fought for the access route to the peninsula. “The Régiment de Maisonneuve and the 5th Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery”, were the last Canadian units to take part in the Battle of the Scheldt. Canadians were not present at the opening ceremony In the first waterborne attack in 'Infatuate', the assault on Walcheren, went on before daylight on November 1st, when a commando of the 4th Special Service Brigade crossed the West Scheldt from Breskens following a bombing attack by the R.A.F. About “three hundred guns, including those of two Canadian Army Groups Royal Artillery”, hammered the German defenses around the town from across the West Scheldt. The climax of the Walcheren operation came at Westkapelle. British tactical investigators later concluded that the landing would have failed but for two facts: the German batteries fired at the craft that were firing at them, not at the personnel carriers; and one of the 5.9-inch batteries ran out of ammunition at a critical moment.

On the morning of the 8th German resistance on Walcheren came to an end. Most of the German Coastal batteries were on the high ground and were not directly affected; but they were isolated by the waters, their communications were seriously interfered with and the German defense generally was greatly harassed. During the operations of the First Canadian Army from “October 1st to November 8th 41,043 German prisoners” ( 2005) were taken, and the enemy suffered correspondingly heavy losses in killed and wounded. According to “World War 2 Info” in the clearing of Walcheren the Germans no longer had commanded the sea approach to Antwerp. The germans 1st Paratroop Army had thrown its reserves against the northern allied front, turning the Reichswald and the Siegfried Line into a meat grinder which also devastated the remaining German forces in the west. So that “Operation Blockbuster' could develop into another battle of corrasion resulting in casualties close to 4,000 men and about 2,600 of them Canadian. Crerar told his corps commanders that if 'Determined enemy resistance' continued despite the American advance, Blockbuster would be limited to 'Securing the high ground east of the Calcar-Udem road.' But neither Lt.-Gen. Guy Simonds nor Horrocks seemed to have paid much attention to this directive. Overhead tracer fire and other navigation devices, including searchlights, horizontal and vertical, inevitably recalled Operation Totalize, Simonds' night operation of Aug. 8, 1944. 'Sergeant Cosen's platoon had only two tanks for the support needed to attack the enemy in three farm buildings but were beaten back by fanatical enemy resistance and fiercely counterattacked. The platoon commander and some of the rest of platoon died due to the results of the counter attack. Therefore after a relentless enemy counterattack had been repulsed Sergeant Cosens “ordered the tank to attack the farm buildings but with only four survivors of his platoon followed in close support”. After the tank had punched through the first building, he decided to enter the buildings alone killing several of the defenders and taking the rest prisoner.' On the credit side the regiment claimed to have knocked out four enemy tanks; the infantry claimed we got six in the capture of Keppeln alone. In the game you play in only two Operations when playing as the British Army as stated above you play in Operation Market Garden which in the game you completed getting to your objective in real life history the Operation failed. There some units that carried the plans with them. There was one “General who died while landing with the plans to market garden then the Germans found the plans and the high command said it was fake” ( 2005) but with the game you don’t see or hear about this and you take different routes than in actual mission.

Carried out at night, paratroopers from both the veteran 82d Airborne Division and the un-blooded 101st Airborne Division, along with the British 6th Airborne Division, were scattered far and wide over the Norman countryside. In Operation Market-Garden, a larger operation than D-Day and conducted during daylight hours, “the 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions, under the operational control of the First Allied Airborne Army”, performed pretty good and were able to seize their objectives in Holland and holding them until relieved by the British XXX Corps. What resulted was Operation Varsity, the 17th Airborne Division's first combat air assault and the last major airborne operation of World War II. It was also arguably the war's most successful combat parachute drop. Eventually, the staff of the First Allied Airborne Army, commanded by LTG Lewis H. Brereton, drew up plans for three Allied airborne landings across the Rhine: Operation Varsity, in support of Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery's 21st Army Group's crossing at Wesel; Operation Choker II, which would support LTG Alexander Patch's Seventh Army crossings at Worms; and Operation Naples II, part of GEN Omar N. Bradley's 12th Army Group's assault across the Rhine at Cologne. In The Last Offensive, the U.S. Army's official account of Operation Varsity and the final drive into Germany, Charles B. MacDonald, a veteran infantry officer who had served with the 23d Infantry, 2d Infantry Division, in Europe in World War II, stated that with the weak condition of German units east of the Rhine, 'Some overbearing need for the special capability of airborne divisions would be required to justify their use,' and that the specific need never existed. On the other hand, FAAA commander LTG Brereton described Varsity as 'a tremendous success,' and Ridgway would claim in his after-action report that Varsity was the decisive factor in Montgomery's Rhine crossing. Whether or not Operation Varsity was actually necessary will be continuing to be debated, but that in no way diminishes the courage and resourcefulness demonstrated by the soldiers who proudly served in the 17th Airborne Division, and in the process, wrote another chapter in the history of the U.S. Army and the American airborne forces. The Dialogue within the game is compressed and you must listen carefully on what they are saying. Also, in some of missions you are listening to the dialogue while you are in the gunner seat on plane during a bombing run. In previous Call of Duty games, the voice and certain sounds weren’t as good. Through out the whole game you start to realize that with few hours of playing but it is also good thing because of all the action and other noises going on in the game will affect how you hear what’s going.

In Understanding Video Game in Chapter 7 it is talking about storytelling, reception and player experiences. After reading this and trying to compare this to how this game can relate. In this game Roads to Victory it is telling us a story in away. What I mean by this is we can relive what it was like to be in World War 2. Also, in other Call of Duty games we can picture us in the game. This what our current military does for training. You literally go to a video game range and play a game to try on actual range. In this article we are looking at another game like called “Military Shooter”. The 'Military shooter' video game is the latest in a long line of video games that immerse the player in a fantasy world. While a quick reading of this slick recruiting message might imply an inevitable fallibility of human judgment until it is physically wired into the brain of the war machine, a deeper analysis points to the thinning membrane between battle space and game space, the actual physical battlefield and its virtual gaming counterpart, the logic of preemption and full‐spectrum dominance. Once dubbed the enfant terrible of the video game industry on account of its excessively violent graphics and game play, the 'Military shooter' game has now risen to mainstream respectability, garnering near‐patriot status, by aligning itself to the same institutional forces that construct carefully sanitized and righteous versions of the actual battlefield. As Leonard argues, 'There is a marked failure to recognize videogames as sophisticated vehicles inhabiting and disseminating ideologies of hegemony.' Like its relationship with the film industry, the U.S. government understands that by developing close working ties with MS video game producers, it can ensure that the virtual representations of war are aligned to real‐world strategic interests. Like the vague and nebulous formulas for which real‐world policymakers and war planners communicate and prosecute the War on Terror, the post‐9/11 MS video game increasingly relies on imaginary frameworks and speculative future threats that indirectly appeal to present‐day concerns while at the same time referencing back to America's memorial past. The post‐9/11 MS game functions as a formative heuristic instructing in both the normalization of and rewards in the reversal of the Clausewitz dictum 'Politics as war.' Like contemporary national security discourse and its related business of securitization in the War on Terror, the shooter blurs the boundaries between the marketplace and battle space, transforming flesh and blood adversaries into screen‐mediated targets of opportunity. In the final section, I examine the marketplace semiotics of the massive multiplayer, online MS game, mapping the various monetization strategies and feedback loops between gamers and real‐world consumption practices, such as third‐party streaming sites, in‐game advertising, and market tie‐in tactics. In conclusion we looked at the different operations that took place during the game. Also, how that the Dialogue in the game wasn’t the greatest. Looked at how the game is like a story in Understanding Video Games in chapter seven. We went through the plot of story so we can better understand what you will be doing with in the game. Also, we looked at the game “Military Shooter” and how it’s like Call of Duty. Finally, this game is decrypting fantasy from actual military combat and what its like to be in the game vs reality.

01 February 2021
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