Loss of Innocence in Lord of the Flies


Lord of the Flies, written by William Golding, is a novel that explores the dark side of human nature through the experiences of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island. One of the central themes in the novel is the loss of innocence, as the boys descend into savagery and abandon the rules and morals of their former civilized lives. This essay will examine the various factors that contribute to the loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies.

One of the main factors that contribute to the loss of innocence in Lord of the Flies is the absence of adult supervision. The boys are left to govern themselves without any authority figures to guide them. This lack of adult influence allows their primal instincts to take over, leading to their descent into savagery.

Furthermore, the boys' isolation on the island plays a significant role in their loss of innocence. Cut off from the rest of society, they are free from the constraints and expectations of civilization. This freedom leads to the abandonment of moral values and the embrace of their more primitive instincts.

The character of Jack Merridew also symbolizes the loss of innocence in the novel. At the beginning of the story, Jack is a choirboy and a potential leader. However, as the boys become more savage, Jack becomes obsessed with hunting and violence, eventually leading his own tribe and engaging in brutal acts. This transformation illustrates how the lack of civilization can corrupt even the most innocent individuals.


In conclusion, Lord of the Flies explores the theme of loss of innocence through the experiences of a group of boys stranded on an uninhabited island. The absence of adult supervision, the isolation from society, and the transformation of characters like Jack Merridew all contribute to the loss of innocence depicted in the novel. Ultimately, this loss of innocence serves as a powerful commentary on the dark side of human nature and the fragility of civilization.

23 August 2023
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