Madagascar Periwinkle Impact Of Medicinal Plants On Society


Plants are one of the most significant species on Earth, due to their many benefits. They provide us with oxygen (through the process of gas exchange), food, herbal remedies and in some cases, certain technological advancements. Nevertheless, plants are immensely beneficial and are essential for our survival. With this in mind, I will be addressing the medicinal uses of plants, specifically the Madagascar Periwinkle, and how they have changed the face of medicine in today’s society. IntroductionTo begin with, medicinal plants, whether traditional or products of modern society, have positively impacted the society of today. Due to the use of these herbal remedies, many individuals are able to live a long and healthy life. In fact, an estimated 25 percent of pharmaceutical medicines contain plant extracts, which are either isolated or synthesized from plants and then manufactured. Due to the outstanding capabilities of plants, the pharmaceutical industry is constantly testing plant extracts, in pursuit of finding cures for deadly diseases. For this application assignment, I will be specifically researching the madagascar periwinkle and analyzing its medicinal capabilities based on my understanding of plants.

Madagascar Periwinkle

The Madagascar periwinkle is a herbaceous, angiosperm found in the rainforests of Madagascar. The specific species of plant, is known to be part of the Apocynaceae family, and has a flower adapted to pollination by a long-tongued insect, such as the moth or butterfly. However, unlike most in the Apocynaceae family, the periwinkle is able to self pollinate successfully, which is why it may be deemed as an invasive, monocot species.

Moreover, since the seed plant is an angiosperm, scientists were curious to understand the plant based on its successful pollination process. Thus, it was researched based on reproduction in plants, to find certain cures, which resulted in the evolution of angiosperm medication. Furthermore, the Madagascar periwinkle had been used to treat a variety of diseases in Madagascar and in other parts of the world where the plant had grown. However, whilst researching the anti-diabetic properties of the plant in the 1950s, scientists discovered the presence of 70 highly toxic alkaloids, located in the plants ground and dermal tissues, found precisely in the roots, leaves and bark. Some were found to lower blood sugar levels and others to act as hemostatics (agents that stopped bleeding).

However, the most interesting alkaloids discovered within the plant were the vinca alkaloids, specifically the vinblastine and vincristine, which were found to lower the number of white cells in blood. Since individuals with leukemia had a high number of white cells in the blood, the alkaloids would reduce them, thus being known as a new anti-cancer drug. They would complete the following tasks by preventing mitosis in metaphase, as they would bind to tubulin, thus preventing the cell from making the spindles it needed to divide the chromosomes, which resulted in no cell division. In today's world, the alkaloid Vinblastine, are used for treating Hodgkin's disease, advanced testicular cancer and advanced breast cancer, whereas Vincristine is mainly used to treat acute leukemia and other lymphomas.

STSE relations

This specific plant topic I have addressed, has impacted society and economics in today's world. Firstly, cancer in today’s society has become a major issue, impacting the health of many individuals. In fact, studies have shown that 1 in 2 Canadians (49% of men and 45% of women) are expected to develop cancer during their lifetime. Due to this, the cancer research industry is constantly pressured, to find certain cures for the disease. However, with the discovery of the vinca alkaloids in the tissues of the Madagascar Periwinkle, we have successfully found a plant that reduces white blood cells in the body, thus fighting cancer. In addition, this plant also fights other diseases, commonly referred to as diabetes, hodgkin's disease etc. This is beneficial to the society of today, as society now knows, that there are certain cures for deadly diseases, which provides them with hope.

Moreover, this specific plant has led to more funding, specifically in the pharmaceutical industry. This has subsequently had an impact on economics, as a significantly low amount of money can be used to create certain medicines using plant extracts, which results in left over money, which can be spent on other aspects of medicines. Overall, this topic is extremely beneficial to our society and economy and subsequently, relates to the medicinal plants, angiosperms and cell division aspects learned in our unit.

15 April 2020
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