Mechanism For Energy Conservation And Energy Harvesting In WSN


A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an autogenously shaping network of cramped sensor nodes communicating among themselves using radio signals which are deployed in quality to sense monitor and to understand the physical world. WSN procure a bridge between the real physical and virtual world and is the most standard services employed in a commercial & industrial application. WSN have the ability to operate in rigorous environments in which human access where monitoring cannot be easily scheduled or efficiently managed. The objective of this research is to develop an intellectual heterogeneous computer model to monitor the frosty environment condition such as temperature, atmospheric humidity, airflow, wind speed and environmental pollutions with low energy consumption. Heterogeneous Mechanism for Energy Conservation in the Wireless sensor network (MECEHW) is an intellectual model to monitor environmental conditions to prolong the network lifetime. MECEHW routing is an efficient way to monitor the environment remotely with lower energy consumption. Energy harvesting converts various forms of environmental energy into electrical energy and thus sensor utilizes the harvested energy. This proposed model depends on renewable solar energy. Solar energy is free, moderate, quick installation, no emission of co2, very low land disturbance and very low air and water pollution.

Index Terms: Energy harvesting, WSN, cluster, energy conservation, lifetime

Research Background

Sensor nodes are tiny computers, extremely basic in terms of their interfaces and their components. They usually consist of a processing unit with limited computational power and limited memory. Power control is needed to efficiently make use of the limited energy resources in order to minimize the energy consumed by the sensor nodes and thus prolong network lifetime. For this reason, energy efficiency must be considered in every aspect of network design and operation of sensor nodes, for the communication of the entire network. Energy efficiency and power control are the basic guarantees of network performance. Air pollution is one of the major issues in the world with the increase in population, the industrial revolution, modern usage of fuels being the primary factors causing it. Most of the metropolitan cities are afflicted by the poor air quality and sudden change in climate conditions. In many cities, the environmental quality standards are below in level. The heterogeneous WSN consists of sensor nodes with different abilities, such as various sensor types and communication/sensing range, thus provides more flexibility in deployment. Industrial pollution can also impact air quality, and it can enter the soil, causing widespread environmental problems.

Industrial activities are a major source of air, water and land pollution leading to illness and loss of life all over the world. Industrial pollution is generally referred to the undesirable outcome when factories emit harmful by-products and waste into the environment such as emission to air or water bodies, deposition as landfills etc. or emission of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. Environmental pollution occurs in different forms, air, water, soil, radioactive, noise, heat and light. Every form of pollution has two sources of occurrence; the point and the non-point sources. The point source is easy to identify, monitor and control, whereas the non-point sources are hard to control. Air pollution is the most prevalent and dangerous form of pollution especially considered to go hand in hand with urbanization. There are many reasons for air pollution. Primary among these is the excessive fuel combustion which has become a basic necessity for cooking, transport and other industrial activities. This releases umpteen number of chemicals to the air which is far from being removed from it. These are directly affecting our existence. Smoke releases SO2 into the air making it toxic. It is caused mainly due to chimneys, factory stacks, vehicles or something as common as burning of wood. The release of SO2 and other greenhouse gases into the air causes global warming and has the capacity to cause acid rain or emission of these gases has increased temperatures, erratic rains and droughts worldwide. This has heavily increased the causes of asthma, bronchitis and the more dangerous lung cancer, mainly in the metro cities. The environment is the first casualty for an increase in air pollution. The major air pollution gases are CO2, SO2, NO. This research creates awareness between the people about climate change in the environment and helps the people to monitor the environment remotely.

Heterogeneous Model

Most of the protocols designed for WSNs assume that the sensors have the same capabilities in terms of storage, processing, sensing, and communication. There are different types of the wireless sensor network with different approaches such as single sensing and multi-sensing. In the homogeneous network, all the nodes are identical in terms of battery energy and hardware complexity. Homogeneous wireless sensor network with pure static clustering is also said to have the possibility where the cluster head nodes should be overloaded with transmissions of long range to remotely situated base stations, also the more processing needed for the protocol coordination and data aggregation. In these types of networks, a pair of sensors would have the same life if they have the same energy consumption rate. Some sensing applications, however, use sensors with different capabilities and accordingly the resulting network is said to be heterogeneous. In heterogeneous networks, more than one and different types of nodes with different battery functionality are used. In a heterogeneous network, different topologies are used and this makes the network a very complex network. Thus, in short, we can say that in the case of a heterogeneous sensor network there are two or more various types of network nodes along with different functionality and battery energy usage.

The real motivation behind the heterogeneous networks is the need for extra battery energy and more complex hardware embedded in some cluster heads, hence reducing the overall cost of hardware for the remaining sensor network. But the fixing of cluster head nodes is nothing but the role rotation which is not possible longer whenever sensor nodes uses the mechanism of single hopping in order to reach cluster head, then sensor nodes those are farthest from cluster head are often spending most of the energy as compared to the nodes those are closer to cluster heads. Heterogeneous networks are using the concept of multiple hopping in order to reach the cluster head, the nodes which are closer to cluster head having the more energy burden because of relaying. In addition to this, the existence of non-uniform energy drainage pattern is always there. But the heterogeneous networks adhere with advantages of increasing the lifetime of the wireless sensor network.

Proposed Model

The proposed model consists of heterogeneous sensors which operate in a harmful environment with low power consumption. The user can remotely access the environmental information through web pages and mobile app. The heterogeneous sensor nodes sense the information and forward to the base station. A possible approach for dealing with the complexity of a huge sensor network is the grouping of several nodes into clusters, where nodes within a cluster will collaborate with each other in order to process the collected data and possibly limit the data that need to be transferred to the sink. In this concern, it consumes small at the same time save both energy and bandwidth. The proposed mechanism does not require a periodic maintenance of a device. The proposed Energy harvesting converts various forms of environmental energy into electrical energy and thus sensor utilizes the harvested energy. This proposed model depends on renewable solar energy. Solar energy is free, moderate, quick installation, no emission of co2, very low land disturbance and very low air and water pollution. The figure shows the proposed model block diagram. The solar panel observes the light from sunlight. The light observed from the solar panels is converted into energy and stored into the energy storage device. In an Energy harvesting mechanism sometimes the battery may be affected due to overheating. In the proposed model (GPT) a Genious Power Tracker model is used to monitor the flow of energy flow to the batteries. Cooling plates are used to reduce the battery dissimilar temperature also it drops the excess energy to the environment. Figure 2 shows a block diagram for Genious Power Tracker. GPT calculates the available energy of the battery and keeps tracks the harvested energy. The harvested energy depends on storage capacity of battery. If the battery is full the harvested energy drops to the environment so that the battery health does not affected. In the Proposed model the battery health is monitored continuously.

18 May 2020
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