Mobile Phone – The New Slavery

“The difference between technology and slavery is that slaves are fully aware that they are not free” - Nassim Nicholas Talab.

Today’s globalized world is technology world. It has changed our lives. Advancement of the technology has improved our standard of living. The mobile phone is also of the blessing of technology. Martin Cooper invented the first mobile phone which left its strong impression on everyone.

There is increased in number of people who are using mobile who are using mobile phone and it has become a most important technology for our day today lives. And, in this advancing and competitive world it is impossible to escape the use of smartphone. Smartphone is like a small computer in hand and it is usefull in many different field of professions, for music listening, using social networks, online chatting with friends and family, video conferencing, shopping online and much more than our mind can think.

Many parents provide mobile phone to their children for the safety purposes but it also gives negative impact to the child that can’t be neglected. Excessive use of smartphone can cause many serious health effects like the short wavelength blue light emitted by smartphone screen can cause health effects like eye strain and pain. These types of light may even cause cornea damage and impact vision strength. The no. of smartphone user has increased recently because of availablity of cheap cost mobile phone in market which are 50% lower than the actual price. Every invention has brought some advantage and effects with it. Same as mobile phone brought so many advantage as well as effects. Mobile phone is an easiest technology that allows children to interact and exchange information with other without their parents and teacher monitor. In 21st century smartphone addiction is also as one of the major non drug addiction, declared by Psychiatrist. They suggest that those persons who feels overwhelming need of using phone more than half and hour daily is addicted. According to Young, many mobile phone user are suffered from Mobile phone dependence Syndrome. After China, India has the largest number of mobile phone users. In India the ratio of personal mobile phone to persons is far more than the no. of available toilets.

Mobile phone dependence was found secondary school adolescents. It has become to be an emerging public health problem. And there is need to conduct awareness and plan educational and treatment to take precaution from inappropriate use of mobile phone among adolescents to prevent a major public health problem.

18 May 2020
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