Monroe Doctrine: American Foreign Policy

Around 1810, many people who lived in Latin America were frustrated with the Spanish governments. These people were mainly the Native Americans and the Creoles, who were people who were born to Spanish parents. The Natives were frustrated with the Spanish government because of the harsh rules and unfair treatment they received. The Creoles were frustrated because they had little say in government, even wealthy Creoles. All over Latin America, people longed to be free of the Spanish.

Many things happened during these revolutions. In 1810, a Mexican priest named Miquel Hidalgo called for independence for Mexico from Spain. Many Mexicans supported Miguel. Rebel forces eventually won and Mexico became an independent country. Other revolutions occurred in South America. One of the greatest revolutionary leaders was Simon Bolivar. He led many revolutions which eventually created the independent Republic of Great Colombia which later became the nations of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. Another main event during this time was when the US gained Florida from the Spanish for $5 million in the Adams-Onis Treaty.

Americans were glad that the Latin American nations won independence. However, the actions of European powers concerned Secretary of State Adams and President Monroe. In 1815, Russia, France, Prussia, and Austria formed an alliance to crush any revolution that popped up in Europe. Consequently, they wanted to help Spain regain the colonies that they lost in Latin America. Britain also was worried that if Spain were to regain their colonies, it would disrupt their newly found trade with the colonies. So the US and Britain suggested that they issue a joint statement guaranteeing the freedom of the new Latin American nations.

President James Monroe decided to act independently of Britain. In 1823, he made a bold statement to Congress known as the Monroe Doctrine. Monroe declared that the United States would not interfere in the affairs of European nations or their existing colonies. However, he warned that if European nations were to try to regain control of the newly independent nations of Latin America, the United States would oppose any attempt to reclaim old or build new colonies. Monroe's message showed that the US would keep European power out of the Western Hemisphere. The US couldn’t actually enforce the Monroe Doctrine, however, Britain supported the statement and stated they would be able to use their strong navy to intervene in Latin America.

Ultimately, I mostly agree with Monroe because it makes sense that he wanted to protect the region of Latin America so there would not be any threatening nations beside the US. For example, the Russia, France, Prussia, and Austria alliance were to take colonies from Latin America, it would greatly endanger the US. Although, it is unusual that Monroe decided to act independently of Britain because without Britain’s support they would never have been able to enforce the Monroe Doctrine. The US was lucky that Britain still decided to back it up with their navy. Overall, the Monroe Doctrine shaped American Foreign policy for many years and gave an excuse for many presidents for sending troops to the Caribbean.

24 May 2022
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