Most Memorable Moments In The Brian's Winter

Frigid weather, chilling winds, and lack of food. This is where a young boy finds himself in the book Brian’s Winter. Brian, the book’s protagonist, is faced with a plethora of difficulties that he must overcome to have a possibility at survival. In the following paragraphs, my focus will be three of the most memorable moments in the story: chapter one, chapter nine, and the epilogue. All of these scenes have been selected for a reason, and I’m willing to explain, so, let’s go!

When daydreaming of being back in a happy place, chatting with his mother, it’s revealed to the readers, myself included, of what hardships Brian is going through. We take so much for granted in our warm neighborhoods, with lots of food, and little to worry about that involves survival. It’s a truly pitiful moment; suddenly being aware of all this pain a character has been keeping to himself. To add even more onto this, there’s nothing we -Brian and the book’s readers- can do about it. Brian yearns for something he can’t have, and the only thing he’s able to do is forget about it and work so he doesn’t die. In my eyes, the majority of the book fails to properly convey all the grief our main character has, yet this scene, when given a little thought, shows us so much and we’re able to feel Brian’s pain for what seems to be the first time.

The moment when Brian discovers a massive moose in chapter nine is a tense one. Picture it with me, will you? Hearing the sound of a breaking limb and heading towards it. Coming into view of the remarkably large creature and knowing at that moment that whether or not you’d like to, you would be hunting the creature. Then, when the right moment comes, you shoot. The arrow hits the cow in the neck and she charges toward you. Just before falling unconscious, you glimpse the moose stepping on your

Frigid weather, chilling winds, and lack of food. This is where a young boy finds himself in the book Brian’s Winter. Brian, the book’s protagonist, is faced with a plethora of difficulties that he must overcome to have a possibility at survival. In the following paragraphs, my focus will be three of the most memorable moments in the story: chapter one, chapter nine, and the epilogue. All of these scenes have been selected for a reason, and I’m willing to explain, so, let’s go!

When daydreaming of being back in a happy place, chatting with his mother, it’s revealed to the readers, myself included, of what hardships Brian is going through. We take so much for granted in our warm neighborhoods, with lots of food, and little to worry about that involves survival. It’s a truly pitiful moment; suddenly being aware of all this pain a character has been keeping to himself. To add even more onto this, there’s nothing we -Brian and the book’s readers- can do about it. Brian yearns for something he can’t have, and the only thing he’s able to do is forget about it and work so he doesn’t die. In my eyes, the majority of the book fails to properly convey all the grief our main character has, yet this scene, when given a little thought, shows us so much and we’re able to feel Brian’s pain for what seems to be the first time.

The moment when Brian discovers a massive moose in chapter nine is a tense one. Picture it with me, will you? Hearing the sound of a breaking limb and heading towards it. Coming into view of the remarkably large creature and knowing at that moment that whether or not you’d like to, you would be hunting the creature. Then, when the right moment comes, you shoot. The arrow hits the cow in the neck and she charges toward you. Just before falling unconscious, you glimpse the moose stepping on your killing lance. The scene is especially chilling because when Brian wakes up in the next chapter, he’s shocked with what he’s done. This is an extreme moment that could make anyone’s heartbeat race, or at least I think so.

In contrast to my paragraph about Brian wishing for his family and old life, which was miserable, the section at the very end of the book where our beloved character is finally on his way back to the position he was once in is a truly empowering one. He’s been stuck alone and struggling to survive for so long he can’t even remember the days. Now he gets to leave this all behind and return to everything’s dreamed of. He’d never imagined that he would have been able to the treacherous cold. Nevertheless,here he is, having endured it all, saying goodbye to the dangerous land he’s roamed for so long. It’s proof that even through all of our troubles, in the end, we make it out OK.

In conclusion to all of this, the book is very detailed, and even though it lacks in some parts, we’re able to see into Brian’s feelings with a little bit of open-mindedness. The sad moments, like the one in my first paragraph, the tense ones, an example being my second paragraph, and the empowering ones, like the paragraph above, make for a great story when combined. Now, put yourself in Brian’s shoes. Terrible things lie ahead, don’t they? Do you think you’d be able to survive the summer, fall, and winter before heading home like him?

07 July 2022
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