My Hero: Wiz Khalifa

The word “hero” brings to mind different things to different people since people tend to have different views of heroism. This is the case concerning the concept of heroes in Ancient and modern societies. As times have changed, the definition of heroes has also changed, in keeping with the changes in modern society. However, a hero can be described as a courageous person, who deliberately sets out to conquer obstacles for the benefit of others or one who performs extraordinary feats. My hero is Wiz Khalifa. Wiz Khalifa is a well-known American rapper, singer, and songwriter. He has been active in the music industry since his debut in 2006. His real name is Cameron Jibril Thomaz. He is known for his hip-hop songs and occasional work as an actor. He has associated with Warner Bros. Records, Atlantic Records, Taylor Gang, and Rostrum. He gained a lot of attention with his single number, Black and Yellow, which was his first song for the Atlantic. He’s helped a lot of teens and adults with his music and stays very humble. He’s a very consistent artist and gives his supporters what they want. Wiz Khalifa has influenced many people.

However, people see Wiz Khalifa as a great hero because even after all of the fame and glory he's received, he is still very humble on the inside. family is what is most important in Khalifa's life. Because they're the ones who will be there for you through all of the good and bad. After making so much money he returns the favor to everyone he knows, by making sure everyone close to him is living comfortably. That's something someone with a real heart would do, take care of the people who were there from the beginning and never let the money get your head. He does smoke weed and talks openly about it. Khalifa says, “Smoking just helps to free my mind, slow my thoughts down and think about everything, not only in a more poetic way but in a more creative way in general. Just taking my most real ideas and being able to put them on paper. It just makes it more vivid. And like I said, I'm able to just relax and be free. I like to smoke before, during, and after I'm making music”. Wiz Khalifa influences many teens and adults and is very humble.

Therefore, Khalifa has been very consistent as an artist. His new grounded lifestyle has rededicated Wiz to his art. He keeps a notebook with him at all times. “I wake up out of my sleep and write raps. He says, noting that smoking weed inhibits him from remembering his dreams specifically. He says he feels rejuvenated and refocused, writing songs that he loves. “I’m inspired because everything goes into the music and I don’t wanna miss anything. Just being able to sit there, soak it up, listen to beats and say alright what’s the concept instead of just saying ‘oh alright this is a hard-ass beat I’m just gon go over it’”. He watches documentaries and old interviews of his favorite artists, from Wu-tang and Three 6 to Pink Floyd and James Brown. It’s not new to him, but a continuation of all that inspired him in the first place.

As a matter of fact, Khalifa comments “I would say it makes you more vulnerable and open to sharing personal thoughts. Back in the day people just got stoned and had dope conversations, that's how a lot of songwriting began and how a lot of great concepts came to be. So for me, I just enjoy some weed and being free open to sharing a message if you're trying to say something and get a point to get across as well”. People see smoking weed as a bad thing. However, it helps many people with pain or anxiety.

Wiz Khalifa is a hero and is a very consistent artist and with all of his success, he still stays humble. He sees the world differently and sees it better when he smokes. In society today it can be looked down upon but that doesn't faze Khalifa. Heroism comes from all sorts of people, some do actions to make themselves look good others just live out their passion influencing the world bit by bit.              

29 April 2022
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