My Interest In The Psychological Aspect Of Marketing

When approached with questions regarding my personal goals and hopes when it comes to my education and future, many thoughts spiral into my head. The reason I decided to pursue a marketing degree is based on the fact that I personally believe marketing is one of the most important aspects of a business. I’ve always been intrigued with how businesses are able to capture the attention of so many people and implement this desire to want exactly what the business is offering.

My interest in the psychological aspect of marketing is really what pushed me to want a career in this field. My mission is to challenge myself to build the confidence I need to access the personal potential that I know I possess. I know I have the skillset to be successful in whatever I choose to do, so my challenge is to reach that potential. I believe the current skillset that I carry is strong, but there’s room for improvement. From past experiences, I’ve learned that I am a great team player; I work well with people and tend to get along with almost everyone. With that being said, I also believe I can be a great leader as there have been many times that I have had to take charge of a situation and done so without any issues. Another skill I am proud to maintain is my creativity. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m artistic, but I tend to have the ability to think outside of the box. The Great Ethical Dilemma that all business students participated in last year really allowed me to openly be aware of my strengths and put them to good use. My group and I ended up pulling through and we were fortunate enough to have been one of the winning teams. That was one of my first experiences working with a group on a task that held so much importance, and the positive results helped to solidify my reasoning for pursuing a career in this field.

Over the next few years that I will spend at the University of Guelph, there are a handful of characteristics and skills that I hope to gain. Being an introvert can be a major roadblock when it comes to the business world. Unfortunately, I find that introversion seems to usually work against you; especially with the way that everything regarding business seems to be over the top nowadays. Developing people skills is one of the main goals that I aim to achieve by the end of my educational journey, and I believe that the MCS2000 will help me achieve just that.

03 December 2019
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