My Self-Love Journey: Embracing My True Self

I have always wondered what my purpose here on Earth is, and I can finally give myself that answer. You are here to find yourself. To embrace and be yourself. And in order to do that, you must love yourself. In self love essay I will share my view about this topic.

At some point in life we all experience a moment in our lives that has such an effect on us that we lose a sense of our own worth. For me it happened quite early. And when I look back now I can see that I lacked that self-love that I needed from around the age of 12. The next few years were really bad as I stripped away my true self and became less like me until last year when there wasn’t much left to strip away. Before I started the whole self-love thing, I had no idea that I was treating myself so badly. If you would have asked me back then if I loved myself, I would have answered yes, but the truth was that I was beating myself from head-to-toe every day of my life. I wasn’t always physically beating myself up, but in my mind I was.

“I can’t do it.” “I’m not good enough.” “Why is my life so bad?” “I wish I was better.” “I’m stupid.” They were phrases I’d feed into my mind every day. Phrases that had a huge impact on the way I ran my life. Phrases that limited my life and made me believe that I was less than others and I didn’t deserve as much as others do. They say that the worst moments of someone’s life, can be followed by the best, and I could only hope that that was going to be the case for me. When I experienced the brake up of my mum and dad, I began to wake up. I saw life for what it really was. To me and my little brother our dad was still the most amazing men we ever knew but to my older siblings, he was nothing anymore. They didn’t, and still don’t, want anything to do with him. I felt that there could have been so much more out there for them but my dad’s relationship with his oldest two children was cut short.

After years of putting myself down over their relationship, I started my self-love journey. I wanted to make sure I lived my purpose and reached my potential, and that’s what led me to finding out about the importance of loving myself. When I began learning about self-love, I was amazed to discover that people who seemed to have a lot, had gone through so much pain to get it.

To sum up essay about self love, self-love has helped me like the person I am today, on the inside and out. I’m getting more comfortable in my own skin and I am getting so much closer to not feeling like I’m less when I look at other people. But loving myself hasn’t just been good for my self-esteem. I have also learnt to believe in my own ability. Loving yourself means taking all of the suffering you’ve ever endured and turning it into something good. It means becoming the hero of your own story. 

10 October 2022
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