My Mother - the Most Influential Person in My Life

Mothers Essays: My Substantial Influencer. Have you ever wondered how your life would differ if an important person were not in it, like a mother, father, sibling or friend? Some people are so essential to making us who we are that without them in our lives, our identity would be altered. The truth is, most people do not think about what these people have done for them and what they would do without them.

It took me most of my childhood years to recognize what an astonishing influence my mother has had on me. My mother is the most influential and selfless person in my life as she has taught me how to be trustworthy and secure, and loves me unconditionally.

As I am growing up, I know I haven’t been the best son in the universe, but if you were to ask my mom, she would say otherwise. Even before my first tear hits the ground, my mother is there to wipe it away. My mother feels my pain before I can even realize it. She understands my needs before I can even think of them. That’s why we call her a mother, a mother.

One summer, my family and I took a road trip to Niagara Falls. We stayed at an outstanding hotel with a great view of the Falls splashing down menacingly into the water, as clear as a crystal. Although I was still really young, I understood just about everything I learned from my mother on this trip. Every night, we would head back to the hotel room and talk about what we learned and liked each day. I now appreciate all that I have learned from my mom about all the history, all the society, and all the culture.

Flashback to middle school, where I was introduced to math problems as difficult as a Greek puzzle. When I was struggling with my homework, my mom was there for me (I was always a straight A student before this). November comes around, and report cards are distributed. My mom was going to kill me. Knowing my math mark was terrible, I was trembling like a leaf. I was swallowed by fear. I come home as my mom asks for my report card, and I begin to swim in tears.

“What is the matter”, she cried, and I explained to her that I was getting thirty-five percent in math and that I am so sorry. She began to tear up, and gave me a hug and whispered to me something that I will never forget. “I will never, ever get mad at you, I will just be disappointed and waiting for you to improve”. I hugged her and replied “please, please, please forgive me, I will work harder and make up for it on the next report card”.

When I look back at that day, I understand and appreciate what my mother has done for me. She understands the struggles of teens and how the school difficulty changes in middle school. She is like Mother Nature who only knows to give, without taking anything in return. Whenever I need help with something, she always manages to help me, without getting something in return. That, truly is what a mother is.

To sum up writing about my mom essays, I have realized that my mother's influence is something that I would carry with me for the rest of my existence. She has taught me so much about working hard and enjoying life. The things she told and taught me will always be a part of me, even when I head to university. Some people are so important in making us who we are that without them in our lives, our identity would be completely different.     

08 December 2022
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