My Religion Essay: Personal Moral View
This week’s topic is very interesting to me that I have able to awake my moral view of the world particularly my religion. Though I would not say I am too religious, I have some insistence to follow my religion. So this is my religion essay.
As of the rubric, there are many moral conflicts between the soul and the body’s desire which among them is that of sexual intercourses between husband and wife. Personally, I and my wife have conflicted about using contraceptives so that we could plan our family size. However, due to our religion, it is sinful to avoid pregnancy while you do satisfy your sexual desire. As a result, we got three unplanned pregnancies, and have four kids within four years with an extra one twin the first birth totaling to five kids under five years. In contrast, it is also sinful to avoid dating so that you could not have kids. This morality of our religion corners many couples living in the west as the living style is harder to raise many kids due to the economic situations. Unless following such things, we do not feel religiously moral worth in all three cases which conflict with each other.
All this could be related to Kant’s hypothetical moral imperative in that if you satisfy your sexual desire, you have to have kids, and further, if I want follow my religion, I should not use a contraceptive. Moreover, if I want to have religious morality, I should not avoid accepting my wife’s sexual request and vise Versa. So, this type of competition of personal desire ends up in conflicts between as some times in that we get busier and lack time to ourselves. In addition to the above example of the sexual issue is that after the message, we are not allowed to date other than our significant other according to my religion.
If one of us did though, it is the last time that you need to stay couples. The mistake is linked to the one who dated other than his partner. This is an absolute moral imperative according to our religion in that whether you like or not you should not date somebody else after marriage.
Beyond sexual conflicts of religious morals, in my religion, there is also economic conflicts such as if you are religious enough you should donate from what you have to share with those who need which is related to Kantian hypothetical moral imperative. If you want to get blessing from God, you have to help those who are in economic problems. Moreover, immoral to lie and get money without your energy. For example, if you have a retail store, you should not add too much money to add your benefit no matter how many customers you get daily and should not misinform customers to brainwash them to buy your products. At this time, as it is so distant from realty to get as many as you should without at least lying slightly, to persuade consumers, it conflicts with the religion with God’s commandment “do not lie” which also Kant said similar to that.
Besides to these, the most difficult thing of morality and religion conflict on life is that when somebody did to you bad thing, you are required forgive him or her and ignore it. However, in reality, we people are not perfect and want to revenge or at least hate the one who did to us bad. In such a situation it also
contradicts with the religious commandments that said, “do not Judge”. We judge people justifying their actions to the direction we want and take a decision of our personal perception on them, reduce our expectations, and degrade their personal prestige. In fact, in our religion, we are not supposed to evaluate other's action in the way we understand as they might have their own reason behind their action like what Kant said it the wrong interpretation.
All in all, religion and today's life are highly conflicting in many aspects in that it makes it hard to say that there are a hundred percent religious people in this world. When I try to evaluate even the pops and priests of my own religion, the dedication they have to the religion is not as it should have. Most of the time is influenced by the life of the world and the fear of sacrifices. As the fear of God comes softer and softer, the praying reward is becoming weaker and weaker. In the end, due to such distancing of the world from God’s expectation, the world is getting many problems as a punishment. People are becoming normlessness and immoral contradicting religion and the world kind of midway. Though Kant has suggested free happiness, it still contradicts religion as people might get happiness at the expense of others which is immoral.