My Visit To A Museum Gallerie Dell’accademia In Venice

The sun was a round yellow egg yolk, it didn’t hide away from the blue. I was here in between the current of people, holding my camera in my right arm, and a friend who is put up with me. At the entrance of the grand opening we had been waiting in the queue for past 39 minutes, swatting away midges. As throng of people standing in the queue didn’t move, the security guards and the supervisors policed the flow. Somehow, as time passed, we squeezed through the crowd and got to the front of the line, and bought the ultimate ticket.The others who were waiting behind us appalled by, and gave a disdainful grin. I was feeling sorry for the poor families who waited for a long time but, I continued to blithely walk across the security guards, into the large inlet. The first thing I saw when I dive in, was a huge statue of an elephant, standing in the middle of the hall. It was brownish or reddish like after wallowing in colored mud. The hall was brightly lit by the prodigious chandelier and scarlet red curtains partially covered the walls. The artifacts were arranged in rows, the aisle had ample space for people to walk. I saw children sliding over a slightly reclined mean old alligator sculpture, which looked boring with the set of the museum.

When I turned to my right, I saw the painting of Mona Lisa that was solemnly hampered from falling down. The crowd does not seem to have a good view due to the non-proximate distance between the restriction line and the afar wall. At the rear end of the hall there was a huge arch like structure, and I saw people going through it and out. The people communicated as if they were aliens from different world. There is a staircase next to a small statue of a roman god. The distances between the floors seemed remarkably lengthy for us. Leaning over the banister, I became lost in collapsing perspective. Perhaps it reminded me a recurring dream that I used to have when I was a child. I dreamed about moving through a tunnel of twisted shapes which would progressively hinder my progress. I never made to the end. Despite of the mildly disquieting atmosphere in the stairwell, we descended slowly, step by step. The types of people, some are so eager and look close getting details of every inch of the artifact, mundane insipid people just head off to the statues, without any recognition for the paintings. 

In spite of the fact that the museum is small compared to prominent ones, it has a lot of antiques, relics, curios, gigantic bones of antediluvian animals and many more, and it is one of the most popular places to visit in Venice.

At the end of the tour I conclude that the most highlighting point of coming to the museum is to see a terrifying colossal woman holding a small woman by her hair, but I wished to never came to this part, as it was so interestingly grotesque! I tried as much as possible to get it out of my head, but it really intimidated me.

16 August 2021
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