Negotiation And Influencing Skills: Interviews, An Effective Mechanism That Generates Qualitative Data

The free flow approach enables the interviewer to examine fundamental objectives and intentionally disclose information or access classified data. During the mutual dialogue, the interviewer can appraise the interviewee’s behaviour, response, attitude, mindset, as well as strategic orientation. As a team, we formulated six questions that aimed to capture the essence of negotiation. Additionally, we selected three individuals who were different in age, occupation, education level, gender, qualifications, etc. Information obtained varied amongst members, therefore multiple interpretations was required to derive a conclusion. Leveraging individual data and translating it into something conceivable was vital to our research. Knowledge amplification occurred as we came across individuals who provided their real life experience on the topic of negotiation.

Interviewee 1: Maria Paula Cevallos Maria Paula Cevallos, an enrolment advisor at Hult International Business School offered her stance on negotiation. She plays the role of a hidden persuader. Maria acts as a mediator between prospective students and the University. Through various marketing and influencing techniques, she has captured the attention of many. A symbiotic negotiation defines and characterises her style. In other words, she is highly cooperative and low in assertiveness. At the heart of negotiation is the desire for harmony. She seeks to minimise conflict and differences through the establishment of a common ground. Being people-oriented and versatile allows her to settle differences as well as establish a strong rapport with the opposing party.

According to Maria making a compelling proposal requires confidence, attention to profound issues and communication of one’s expertise. Such characteristics should also be utilised when one’s credibility is compromised. During the interview Maria depicted empathy, an emotion that leads to pro-social behaviour. This trait helps her stand out within a crowd because she has the ability to actively listen, remain neutral and reason logically. After much deliberation, I have concluded that the dynamics of a relationship sets the direction and tone. The interaction results in either an irrefutable deal or ambiguity. According to the principle of negotiation, identification of primary interests are necessary to resolve and manage disputes. Results implicated that integrative bargaining helps Maria create additional value. Lets put this into perspective by discussing the three steps involved in the negotiation process. Exploring the breadth of interests allows both parties to calculate possible combinations. During the narrowing phase, a unique value is isolated and optimised. Eventually, compatible interests identified by a high power negotiator will guide the interaction and yield an explicit agreement.

Interviewee 2: Peter Garbuz Peter Garbuz, an executive at a nanotechnology startup deciphered the art of negotiation. He proffered a solution that challenges the status quo. If the negotiation fails, it is better to walk away than settle for less because it will ruin the momentum built during the interaction. Peter is an advocate for the integrative bargaining approach. He works towards attaining an ideal outcome for both.

Additionally, he demonstrates proficiency in the subject matter by establishing an objective criteria (through research). This elucidates his credibility over the course of the negotiation. Occasionally, emotional manipulation is required to communicate the urgency of the issue. This interviewee argues that “walking away” is superior than compromising or proposing the Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA). Conventionally, individuals would reveal their BATNA during a perceived loss. The gap is counterbalanced by a secondary settlement embodied in the BATNA. However, BATNA should be regarded as trade that needs to be revived. Terminating a bargain is due to one’s inability to reduce discrepancy, propose a compelling proposal, or respect equality. Such failure ignites antagonistic behaviour by the opposing party. Peter Garbuz was born in Ukraine, a country that has a collectivist orientation. However, he possess individualistic values because he was raised in the United States. One may appear to be using predatory negotiation strategies due to a low degree of cultural competency/sensitivity. Likewise, the individualism philosophy encourages one to be task oriented and confrontational. Getting the job done and earning that sense of accomplishment is what such people strive for. Although Peter uses an integrative approach, his places a higher value on personal gains.

Interviewee 3: Marco Rosa Marco Rosa, an intellect who embodies the virtues of integrity in his field of expertise. He is an executive HR who communicates his vision amongst like minded individuals to operate successful organisations, launch platforms, and enlighten those interested in performance management or managerial leadership. Marco’s theory on negotiation is considered to be very optimistic and solution oriented. His game plan begins with understanding the objectives, formulating relationships, solving unsettled issues and normalising any deviance. Being impartial rather than emotionally invested to a negotiation can yield positive possibilities.

In-dept analysis of Marco’s responses has led to a series of propositions. These statements are associated to the six principles of persuasion. Empathy is an important element in reciprocal negotiation. Being able to acknowledge the demands as well as develop alternatives for mutual gain can empower both parties to come to a consensus. Proffering irresistible settlements that aligns with the priorities of both will bring about consistency as well as a sense of scarcity that would otherwise be absent. Individuals become instantly deferential when there is perceived value in proposals or in the skilled negotiator. This notion validates the principle of authority.

Conclusively, navigating through a negotiation requires one to employ diverse tactics and techniques. However, humans are prone to error. There individual setbacks as well as environmental circumstances that prevents one from attaining pre-planned goals. Each interviewee was inquired on their weaknesses so that we as upcoming entrepreneurs can be conscious of the disparities that exist within the workplace. Being mindful of one’s shortcomings can be beneficial because actions could be taken to avoid ventures that doesn't align with expertise. However through education, experience, trail & error, each individual has the ability to compensate for their deficiencies. Nonetheless, a negotiation is a complex interaction that demands both parties to apprehend a specific want. Through effective communication and an appropriate level of sentiment, visions transforms into a reality.

18 May 2020
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