Neolithic And Paleolithic

Roles of men and women

The roles of men and women were shared among both genders. Although the woman were still more domestic. They would typically would gather plants and nurture the children as well as make tools. The men would hunt and and battle animals. They also shared the role of the leader because the gender was decided by the community. When it came to parenting and raising their kids it was a group effort.

Tools and technology

The early hunter gatherers used simple tools, such as stones that they would sharpen for cutting. They also developed the skills to make fireplaces and hearths which kept them warm and allowed them to cook. They soon learned how to make ceramic containers and woven baskets to store water and food. Huts made of straw was also a huge accomplishment because it allowed them to transport them from place to place. They developed leather clothes wich they would sew with their newly invented sewing needles.

Food they ate

The diet of a hunter gatherer contained various grases. They would also eat a variety of of fruits, nuts and seeds. At the time they lacked the skill and material to kill larger animals, so they mainly relied on smaller meat sources such as birds. They also heavily relied on savenging. Trading was also big because they could trade in their communities and help each other out. Then when they found another group everyone would trade. As their hunting and gathering skills developed they were able to identify 55 new foods.


They would mainly build in caves and protective rock formations. That would then allow them the shelter and protection thy needed to survive. They were nomadic so they would have to move a lot according to their prey. Since they moved around so much they invented huts made of straw that could be taken with them. In their cave or hutt most people would have a fire burning to keep.

The Neolithic Period

Roles of men and woman

Unlike the paleolithic period, the roles of men and women in the neolithic period were more separated. The reason is they had more chores to be done and they needed to develop a better system. Men at this time were more associated with outside jobs like hunting, farming, war and politics. As for the women they were more associated with inside jobs such as raising the children, cooking and helping with education. Although there is still a lot we don't know about the separation of the roles.

Tools and technology

In the neolithic period farming and agriculture was introduced. One of the tools needed for farming was plows. They also used planters with heavy disks on top to put the seeds deep in to the soil. One of the biggest inventions for them was irrigation canals, which would work as a basic version of the modern sprinkler. They also started to weave fabrics together to make clothes instead of using animal skins. At this time they also domesticated animals which could be used for clothes and tools as well as food.


The neolithic period was the first time farming was introduced so they still had very basic methods. They had just domesticated animals such as sheep, goats and pigs. With that being said they could fertilize their food. They had also figured out a watering system called an irrigation system which would help them keep their land from flooding but also provide water for the crops. They could now grow and harvest a variety of foods and plants such as various fruits and vegetables also wheat barley, cotton and flax were grown. This was also the start of milk and bread. Since they now had cotton they could turn the cotton into material to make clothing.


Most People in the neolithic period were already happy with where they were so they build homes to last a long time. They built their homes from rocks with mud on them. At the beginning they were mostly one room long houses but later on they developed into multiroom structures. The small settlement eventually turned into cities and formed the first ancient civilizations. In there communities they would share lots of things like food and heat sources for cooking.

11 February 2020
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