History And Outcomes Of The Nigerian Civil War

After World War II, layout wars took place in many countries. The more famous ones were the Middle East War, the Korean War, the Afghanistan War, and so on. But few people remember a place in the southeast of Nigeria called Biafran.

The Biafran War can also be called the Nigerian Civil War. It lasted for three years from 1967 to the end of 1970. It ended in the victory of the Nigerian government, but it brought huge losses to all aspects of Nigeria’s development.

There were 200-300 million deaths or homelessness during the Nigerian civil war. This is not the only consequence. He has left many influences that cannot be eliminated so far. This war has led to the creation of the Doctors Without Borders organization,And lead the world to begin to pay attention to poverty and famine in Africa. People have learned a lot from this war and it is a historical event worthy of being remembered.

Nigeria is a big African country with the largest population. After independence in 1963, the population was 55.66 million people. Nigeria’s development after independence is difficult because Nigeria is not unified in history. It is a country that has been brought together by different ethnicities and cultures in a short period of time.

There are more than 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria, including three major ethnic groups, the Hausa-Fulani ethnic group in the north, the Yoruba in the southwest, and the Ibo in the southwestern Niger Delta.

Before the independence, among the three major ethnic groups, the Igbo ethnic group had the most developed economy, was better educated, performed well in the independence movement, and made the greatest contribution. Therefore, after independence, regardless of the government and the army, it was full of Igbo people. Officials at all levels.

But they are not satisfied with these. They think that Nigeria is a backward country and needs a strong central government and a more efficient administrative strategy. The current system and leaders do not meet their requirements and cannot afford to lead Nigeria to a strong country.

However, when the Hausa-Fulani people voted, they won the vote because of their demographic advantage, and they got the position of the Federal Chancellor. Igbo felt very uncomfortable .

But the other two people also complained about the Igbo people. The Hausa-Fulani people thought that the Ibo people had gained a lot of benefits in the colonial era. Now they are independent and the power should be redistributed. The Yoruba people also made great help in the independence movement. They did not want to be only engaged in the business world. They wanted to get some rights in the political and military circles. The Hausa-Fulani and Yoruba people began to unite slowly. The conflict with the Igbo people has become increasingly profound.

Their unhappiness makes sense: publications in the northern region in early 1966 claimed that 45% of Nigeria’s public office was occupied by Igbo people, and that percentage would rise to 60% in 1968, and “northern” in these Only 10% of the institutions, not only that, because of the dense population of Igbo people, they have been immigrating to the less densely populated areas in the past few years, causing two other ethnic groups, especially the Hausa-Fulani unhappy, in their view, the Ibo people got the power and benefits that did not match the proportion of their people, and they were planning to get the whole of Nigeria.

But this does not lead to the split of the country, because both the Igbo and the other two are working hard for the development of the country.

However, on February 15, 1966, a group of Igbo officers stabbed the Prime Minister of Paleva. Then the Nigerian civil war has officially started.

In this war, about 2 million people paid the price of their lives, most of them died of hunger and disease. Biafra's economy has been completely destroyed and it is expected to take many years to recover to its original level. None of the Igbo people, the nation's largest ethnic group, will be able to hold important positions in the Nigerian army or government for decades to come. Independent leader Ojugu fled to Czechoslovakia after the war and returned home only after Nigeria's amnesty in 1982. He took part in the 2003 presidential election, but failed miserably.

The only real winners of the war were the heads of individual military governments. The first is Goron, who was hastily supported to power. The civil war made Nigeria expand its army rapidly, greatly enriched Goon's influence and stabilized Goon's foundation within the army. On January 13, 1970, Goon spoke on Biafra radio station, declaring that there were no winners or conquerors in the civil war, and announced plans for reconciliation and reconstruction: nobody was awarded a prize in the war, the property lost by the Ibos in the civil war and previous riots would be compensated and rebuilt; Biafra's army, though these policies, would be absorbed into the Nigerian army.

07 September 2020
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