Overview Of My Professional Network Experiences

I have faced many life-changing experiences and challenges over the years that shaped my personality to become more resilient, patient, and open-minded. Most importantly, these challenges helped me build strong relationships and maintain others I already had. After I pursued my undergraduate degree in Psychology, I gained numerous skills such as research, analytical skills, as well as effective communication skills. These skills have helped me to become empathetic, respectful, and respond to feedback positively. In 2016 I started my internship at “Ithraa”.

I started as a shadow coach meeting and listening to other people’s challenges in life. Then I attended one-on-one sessions and trainings, both locally and abroad, where I observed how coaches help people discover themselves and others, live up to their potential, and grow in their own relationships. Soon after, I started training youth and adults about relationship needs, mindfulness, resilience, and how to re-wire their brains. At “Ithraa”, you always meet new people and communicate with coaches, leaders, and trainers which helped me build strong and professional relationships with them. My experience with “Ithraa” helped me develop valuable interpersonal skills, identify people’s relationship needs, focus on people’s emotional intelligence, and appreciate others.

To enhance and develop these skills, I participated in numerous activities and various conferences. These experiences exposed me to new cultures and taught me the importance of networking by sharing ideas, thoughts, and experiences on relevant topics and interests. I was privileged enough to be chosen to represent my country “Jordan” at many cultural exchange programs and various other international conferences. In 2014, I have been selected to participate in an exchange program with “Bridges for Community” as an East West Initiative member in the United Kingdom. During my stay there, I visited several cities including: Cardiff, Bristol, Nottingham, and London. The experience was rewarding as I met people from different countries and built friendships and I was able to inspire people by sharing my experience with cancer and also listening to their own stories and challenging. This opportunity gave me the chance to celebrate others, seeks opinions, and respond to feedback positively. In 2017 I also participated with the German Jordanian Youth Exchange that was held in Germany. In July 2018, I attended an international cultural event, “Genfest”, that was held in the Philippines where youth from around the world gather to build a more united and supportive world by sharing experiences, life stories, participating in different workshops and much more.

During my time there, I became more positive and collaborative, and I learned the art of scheduling time to build relationships. These experiences have further developed my communication skills and allowed me to meet like-minded people, I learned to expand my horizon, meet students from different disciplines and stimulate my mind while keeping up to date with the world around us. Building and maintaining a professional network is a skill I have truly developed over the years. This requires effective communication where you understand what the other person is saying as well as respecting people and their time.

15 Jun 2020
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