People Should Not Be Afraid Of Artificial Intelligence

Since the 20th the use of the automated process in human’s lives has increased without them knowing, like using washing machines, cameras, automated doors, cash dispensers and etc. , and it has developed to an extent that it has become a schedule for humans. Nevertheless, AI is not the same as automated process, but AI is a more advanced form of automation, which are programmed to perform very exact and specific tasks, in addition to why humans should not fear AI is because AI Machines are extremely dependent on humans, AI can solve extremely hard tasks with ease, and The technology only seems to be intelligent to human because it is not in common use. For instance, in March 2016 Google’s AlphaGO computer programming beat master Lee Se-Dol in a Chinese ancient board game called GO and another champion in a chess game.

AI is also being used in maps these days by finding the fastest route from one location to another while considering the road traffic intensity, construction work, traffic lights and etc. , these developments in AI could be a reason why humanity should not fear AI, however, these developments have rose a lot of questions and concerns about humans and the development of AI.

Аirstly, humans should not fear AI because AI machines are extremely dependent on humans to keep them running. Humans live in a society that is surrounded by millions of machines that do a wide range of tasks, and all of these machines depend on humans to service them, give power, repair them and produce more when needed. Humans might say that there will be robots or machines that would perform the services that humans provide for machines but building that kind of a machine itself would be impossible because again those will rely on humans’ services. ” This means that barring major breakthroughs in robotics or nanotechnology, machines are going to depend on humans for supplies, repairs, and other maintenance. A smart computer that wiped out the human race would be committing suicide. ”

Secondly, humans are strongly dependent on their gadgets, and as the time flies by their devices get updated and with every new update AI system rises more. It bests humans’ skills and makes their lives easier. For example, AI’s intelligence is endless and one of the superiority of AI is precision and they can replace humans when there are tricky tasks, as an illustration, NASA is using AI in robots and send them to the space for researches and they are also used in space to find life forms, and recognize different elements in space and find galaxies without risking human’s life and staying for a more period of time in the space without and nutrition like humans.

Finally, humans should not fear AI because it seems more intelligent than humans and it is not in common use. Even though AI is a very useful tool for performing hard tasks humans are still afraid of the new thing and they cannot understand it well. Humans fear that AI machines will dominate the whole world and replace humans in their daily activities. Imagine a world where it is dominated by the robots, and they are working instead of doctors, nurses, police and other jobs that need humans, and it may sound good but fear not because robots need humans to make and produce more robots and what most of the people don’t know is AI machines are coded and programmed to do specific and exact tasks and will not do anything more than they are intended to do. But opposing view claims that in the recent years the biggest social networking site Facebook shut their AI system because the programmers of the company realized the AI robots in the chat box were talking to each other with a different language which was not familiar to the programmers also. This brought fear in their hearts that AI machines obtained self-consciousness and due to this, they turned the system off.

To conclude, technology and devices are a huge part of our lives and we cannot get rid of them. We live in a modern society and we should always remember to handle our life without allowing AI controlling our lives instead we should be the ones controlling them because we are the ones who created them.

18 March 2020
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