Persuasive Theme: Don’t Bully, Instead, Stand Up and Do Something!

Our rule to follow is: Don’t bully, Instead, Stand up and Do Something. If you follow this rule, then these following side effects won’t happen to you or others. Even though the bully is the one hurting others, bad things happen to the bully/bullies. Although they may hurt you, that doesn’t give you an excuse to hurt them or others. The bullies may have a hard life at home, causing them to feel bad about themselves, so they take it out on others. The bully, the victim, and the bystander - these three points of the essay are reviewed in the next paragraphs. 

The Bully

The bully/bullies may bully you or someone else because they most likely has a bad home life, for example, neglective parents. Usually the bullies target the weaker kids to make them feel bigger, stronger, or even smarter. Bullies sometimes abuse alcohol and drugs. They get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school. Some of them engage in early sexual activity. As adults, they can become criminals and become abusive to their family (spouses, children, romantic partners). Also, some bullies lack attention from parents and/or teachers. They might have been bullied or have been bullied in the past.

The Victims

Victims of bullying are affected very severely. Kids who are bullied are more likely to have health complaints, increased academic failure, anxiety and depression, and loss of interest in things they used to enjoy. Kids who are bullied are also more likely to become shooters when they grow up. In 12 of 15 school shooting cases in the 1990s, the shooters had all been bullied as kids. Finally, if you have been bullied, or are currently getting bullied, you are more likely to commit suicide in the future. Just stay away from bullying entirely, stand up for yourself and others, and never let it get to you.

The Bystanders

Bystanders are called bystanders because they just stand by and watch the bullying happen. They can be affected just as much as the bully/bullies, and the victim. A bystander is someone who isn’t bullying, and isn’t bullied, but they also don’t try to stop the bully. Instead, they just watch it happen, and sometimes even laugh with the bully/bullies. The negative effects on the bystander include, an increased use of tobacco, drugs, and alcohol. It can also increase mental health problems, including depression and anxiety, they may also miss or skip school. Some kids who witness bullying are more likely to become bullies, and begin doing to other kids what they witnessed. As these kids watch bullying take place, they either don’t care about what happens to the victim, or are to scared to stand up for the victim. But you need to stand up just like it says in our rule, don’t bully, instead stand up, and do something, you need to be bold, and do the right thing.


In conclusion, don’t get involved with bullying. Whether you’re a bully, a victim, or a bystander, you don’t want to get involved. Stand up for yourself and other people, and if you’re continuing to get bullied, tell someone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, and never be afraid to stand up to a bully if you see someone being bullied. Hopefully, the victim will realize that there are people who will care for them, and then they might try to stand up for themselves, and correct their mistakes.  

23 March 2023
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