Understanding Academic Pressure on High School Students
Pressure in school (essay)
High school is a period filled with both good and bad experiences, but the pressures put upon students are one of the most challenging aspects. By evaluating the academic, physical, and emotional pressures students face, it becomes clear that they can have a significant impact on students' health and well-being. One of the most significant sources of pressure for high school students is the academic workload. To explore the issue of academic pressure on students, this essay will analyze the negative effects of academic pressures on students, specifically how the heavy workload can cause stress and poor performance, ultimately leading to negative consequences in other areas of a student's life. It is not uncommon for a student to receive two assignments worth a significant percentage of their final grade in one week. Juggling these tasks can lead to mediocre effort in both assignments, resulting in poor grades and possibly causing other problems for the student.
Paying attention is a major pressure as well. Students who are more athletic and active are not used to sitting idle for long periods of time and listening. A rep league soccer player for an example may not be used to all the listening and may ponder off into their own world and do things off topic from the boredom. Therefore showing pressures are a big stress factor. Physical pressures are not one to forget at all. Physical pressures can change the habits of a students lifestyle for a long lasting time. One factor is sleep fluctuation. Sleep is a major key in academic success students must sleep to succeed in class. A student who has been working multiple hours into the night may have finished an assignment exceptionally well, although the assignment was near perfect the student will have no rest and will be unable to pay attention the next day in class as a result. Thus showing is a major physical pressures. Weight changes are also a big issue. Students as they get used to high school are regularly buying fast food everyday and getting used to staying in all day doing work rather than exercising. These ways of life can cause major effects like weight gain which can lead to many other issues like bullying and stress. Therefore showing physical pressures is one to not take as a small issue.
Although physical pressures is a key issue emotional pressures is one to look just as stressful. Emotional pressures can change a student's perspective on school for a lifetime. Having to make new friends and study at the same time is a pain. Teens need time out of school to bond with friends and making that time is rather stressful due to boatloads of assignments and homework. Having to mix between the two damages one or the other leading to students either doing poorly academic wise or having to lose friends. Therefore showing having to manage both damages one or the other. Drama and fights is a essential factor as well. Having friends leads to drama and fights and stress from that causes students to slack off. A example may be a girl who has just had a major fight with her best friends and she has two assignments due on the same day. She will not be able to cope with both of those stresses and will either do the assignment extremely poorly or shall not do it at all. In other words showing emotional pressures are one to be concerned about.
By furthermore looking into the academic, physical and emotional pressures of school it shall be seen that pressures on a high school student are unhealthy and not good for the body. Academic pressures is stressful and causes stress, physical causes irreversible changes to life habits and lastly emotional pressures which are near deadly at sometimes. After examining these points is school a very wonderful place after all? Many students do not think so as all of them wish they could have gone back and done something they should not have.