Problems With Reading In Children: Causes And Solutions

There are many reasons why children have trouble with reading. Many factors can affect children reading ability, for example: dyslexia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), auditory processing disorder (APD), visual processing issues, and more. Dyslexia is a disability that creates difficulty with reading, spelling, and speaking. Children may struggle to pronoun the words. Children are disabilities to connect letter to the sounds and will easily forget the words they learn before. It can take a long time for kids with dyslexia to become familiar enough with a word to know it at a glance. There are many very successful people who have dyslexia, such as Walt Disney, Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein and Leonardo da Vinci.

Some of the reading issues may also cause by attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is an issue with brain structure and chemistry makes people hard to stay focus during reading. They might also struggle with working memory, flexible thinking and self-control. Many are also hyperactive. Kids may have trouble recalling what they read earlier in the text and connecting it to what they’re reading now. They may also rush to get done faster, children may miss details and not take the time to think about what they’ve read. Auditory processing disorder (APD) can also affect reading skills, as reading need the ability to connect sounds with the letters. Therefore, children with APD also have trouble hearing the sound of letters such like b and d sound Children with reading issues are often confuse in the letters and words which they are trying to identify. In this reading issues stimulate-game, I need to fully focus to sort out my confusion in the sentence with letters and words which without completeness. I need to decode the word by slowly piece the word together. Now I know exactly how reading issues feels like, the letters has been switched and I need to swap them back. I need keep comparing with the correct letters and recall up the correct word. Reading issues may be frustrated for kids. But there are still many strategies that can help children build reading skills and gain confidence in reading, even if you aren’t sure what’s causing your child’s reading issues. First, you can observe the children’s behavior to find out their patterns of behavior. For example, children may be more frustrated when he reads before dinner than after dinner, so you can try different strategies and find the most suitable strategies for children. Second, parents can apply reading into child’s interests. The children will spend more time in reading when it is in his favorite topic, such as interesting story book, novel, comics, and magazines which is fun and appealing.

Lastly, parents can use high-tech such as audiobooks, word processors, spell-checkers and mobile apps which can easily access online. Listening to audiobooks and education apps can help your child learn to build connection the sounds to the words. There are mass of online apps which are free download which can help your child build reading skills.

In Malaysia, a pilot study conducted in a representative primary school of 2, 000 pupils near Kuala Lumpur indicated that 7 per cent of Standard 2 Malay pupils had marked phonological reading difficulties. It reveals that there are children with specific reading difficulties in Malaysia. Many Malaysian parents are becoming more aware of reading issues and suspect their children are dyslexic, ADHD, or other learning issues. They are continually seeking help from the Education Ministry and professionals in this field and led this issue at national level.

01 April 2020
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