Progress And Decline In The Society

Progress is the advancement and innovation of technology to benefit society. Progress can also be seen as increased acceptance of other races, and cultures. Often Progress can result in increased economic prosperity, longer life, better healthcare etc. Progress is subjective and is constantly changing/evolving as different societies determine what constitutes as progress. One example of progress is the discovery of insulin. This discovery insulin was especially important to people with type 1 diabetes who cannot make insulin because the beta cells in their pancreas are damaged or destroyed. Therefore type 1 diabetics will need insulin injections to allow their bodies to process glucose and avoid complications from hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). The discovery of this significantly improved the quality of life for type 1 diabetics. Another example of progress is the formation of the NHL.

More or less hockey is entwined with the Canadian culture/identity and plays a significant role in many Canadians lives. In a country which is divided by many languages and political views, hockey acts as a uniting force (or a dividing force), forming a great part of the Canadian cultural identity. In conclusion, progress can be defined as the advancements in human history that have improved the lives of the people of our society. Decline may be defined by the moments in our history that have negatively impacted society. These periods of decline may be periods of war, disease, racism, or economic ruin. One example of decline is the Spanish Flu of 1918. An estimated 20 million people died worldwide from this pandemic. 50,000 of whom were Canadians.

During this pandemic, many public services were shut down in order to limit the spread of disease costing billions of dollars worth of productive working hours. The Fort Henry Internment is another example of a moment of decline in Canada’s history. Fort Henry became the first internment camp to hold men deemed “enemy aliens” the first prisoners of Fort Henry were immigrants from Turkey, Germany, and Austro-Hungary. At these internment camps belongings were taken away from the prisoners and they were subjected to forced labour for the government for little or no pay. Although at the time the internment of these “enemy aliens” may have been a good idea. Looking back the government subjected these immigrants of certain ethnic backgrounds to internment for no other reason than their ethnicity. In conclusion, a decline is a negative period in any society’s history that resulted in poorer living conditions for its people.

29 April 2020
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