Navigating Puberty: How It Shapes Us Psychologically and Socially

Puberty wasn’t the best thing to happen when it happened. When puberty hit me, it very slowly made its changes. My voice would crack randomly at the most unfortunate times, I was insecure because no facial hair had grown yet even though other pre-teens started growing some. Most people around my age had reached their peak height velocity, and some had already shown signs of Epiphysis. The one growth spurt that came to me first was my weight increase. I was a short, chubby, and no facial hair having a kid around a bundle of pre-teens who were taller, had a better build and had facial hair so that led to bullying.

There was a psychological and social impact of puberty by my self-esteem issues. The no facial hair, the weight gain and of course, the bullying caused the self-esteem issues I was dealing with for about a year before my height, body build and other functions followed suit in my puberty. Adolescence isn't significant as a result of multiplication and reproduction, yet in addition planning for this present reality and how they will endure alone without guardians. In contrast to certain creatures, we are shown some basic instincts and learn through involvement throughout everyday life. During adolescence, hormones change and both physical and mental changes happen, which is the thing that enables individuals to start thinking and acting like grown-ups. While pubescence is planning for multiplication, it's an additional arrangement for endurance on the planet after we leave our parent's homes.

Psychology would be a great subject to have in middle school. I’m not completely sure if it’s offered in middle school nowadays but I knew when I was going to middle school it wasn’t given. I believe Psychology would really help a lot for pre-teens going through puberty because it gives them insight on what’s happening to their body and they wouldn’t be kept in the dark about it. I want to become a therapist and knowing about the ins and outs of puberty would help a lot. A lot of kids feel weird, out of place or abnormal because puberty will give them growth spurts when some other individuals haven’t received theirs yet so that may result in bullying. I can help inform them of what’s happening them, so they won’t be confused and not concerned.

Puberty is a crazy roller coaster of emotions for a lot of children, me being one of them. Some teens handle it well but most have issues with it so Psychology is a course for everyone to take, not only for the knowledge of puberty but other bodily functions as well.

01 February 2021
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