Pursuing a Dream: Why I Want to Be a Model


The allure of the fashion world and the opportunity to become a canvas for creative expression have fueled my aspiration to become a model. This essay delves into the reasons behind my desire, exploring the potential for self-discovery, the chance to influence beauty standards, and the platform to inspire confidence and empowerment.

Self-Discovery and Growth

Becoming a model is not just about striking poses; it's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. The industry celebrates diversity and uniqueness, encouraging individuals to embrace their authentic selves. The process of being in front of the camera allows for a deeper understanding of one's body, posture, and angles. It challenges individuals to step out of their comfort zones, fostering a sense of confidence that extends beyond the runway or photoshoot.

Moreover, the collaboration with photographers, makeup artists, and stylists offers the opportunity to see oneself from various perspectives. This experience contributes to a heightened self-awareness and appreciation for the nuances that make each individual remarkable. Through modeling, I aspire to unearth layers of my identity and unearth the potential that lies within.

Challenging Beauty Standards

The fashion industry has long been criticized for promoting narrow beauty standards. Aspiring to be a model provides a platform to challenge these standards and advocate for inclusivity. By representing a broader range of body types, ethnicities, and ages, models can contribute to reshaping society's perception of beauty. I believe that my presence in the industry can be a small step towards promoting body positivity and celebrating the beauty that exists in every individual.

Through my journey, I aim to be a role model for others who may have felt excluded or inadequate due to societal expectations. The power of representation in media cannot be underestimated, and I am determined to play a part in diversifying and enriching the narrative surrounding beauty and self-acceptance.

Modeling is not only about aesthetics; it's about inspiring confidence and empowerment. The camera captures moments of vulnerability and strength, creating images that tell a story beyond words. By sharing these images with the world, I hope to inspire others to embrace their uniqueness and stand tall in their own skin.

Through my journey as a model, I envision conducting workshops and talks that empower individuals to cultivate self-confidence. The lessons learned from facing the camera translate into everyday life, encouraging resilience, poise, and the ability to face challenges with grace. My goal is to instill a sense of empowerment that extends far beyond the confines of the runway.


In conclusion, my aspiration to become a model is fueled by a desire for self-discovery, a commitment to challenging beauty standards, and a passion for inspiring confidence and empowerment. The world of modeling presents an opportunity to embrace authenticity, advocate for inclusivity, and create a positive impact on individuals' lives. Through this journey, I hope to redefine beauty, one confident step at a time.

23 August 2023
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