Rap & Hip Hop Must Be Limited
To sit down and listen to our favorite genre on the bus is a thing everyone does. Maybe it’s because we want more positivity in our life, maybe it’s because we want to educate us in the problems we have in our society or maybe it’s because the voice of the artist is fantastic. But for whatever reason we do this, we must limit the accessibility and that fast for the Rap and Hip Hop genre. Why you ask? Because it’s taking over our children and transforms them to monsters. Limit it, or ban it.
The Development Took A Horrific Turn
We’ve been seeing a significant difference from what rappers were rapping about back in the days and today. It’s a way harder climate with much a cruel vocabulary which they have been choosing just because they want to have a bad attitude to affect us from their lyrics. A new type of rap has been born and is the new style in the community. The lyric always has any violence, sexism or criminal part in them, which isn’t normal. Some artist’s texts are about how they raped a girl, how they shot a guy, how they robbed a bank and much more. That’s a horrific turn from what we were used to listen to when it came to rap. Back in the days Tupac & co rapped about issues in our society. A great example is the song made by Tupac “Brenda’s got a baby” which is about a teenage girl being pregnant and can’t afford to support her baby. That’s a real story that he raps about. That’s what Rap and Hip Hop should be about, to inform other people of society issues and other problems to make a difference.
Our Kids Listens To This Genre
Today Rap and Hip Hop has become one of the most successful genres in the world and tops a lot of top lists, like on Spotify, Billboard and iTunes. But not only these genres grow, Spotify, YouTube and Sound Cloud is also growing a lot and makes it easier for everyone to get access to this type of music. Our children listen to this wicked music mostly every day and gets brainwashed by all the violence, criminality and sexism that the artists raps about and tries to make these topics something that people should seek for. Weapons shouldn’t be anything a child should hear or see, because they don’t know the consequences using one or what damage it can do. The same thing is about violence and sex, it’s not something a child should be a part of in their childhood, let them play with their toys instead. Think about it yourself, what if you got a child these days. Would you want your child to grow up in this climate? Would you like your child to hear about child abuse, murders, violence, sexism and drugs? No, you wouldn’t. We must limit the accessibility for this type of music so it’s not so easy for our children to get their hands on this kind of violent music, if not ban this type of music. Maybe that makes the artists change their minds so less violent music produces and to let our children’s be children.
Normalizes Violence And Crime
Because of what Rap and Hip Hop has evolved into today, it normalizes criminality. The entire Rap and Hip Hop culture is for an example hating the police, maybe all of this started because of the song Fuck The Police made by N. W. A. No one gets scared of the police today. Some people that listens to this type of music starts to throw stones at the policemen, fire rescues and at the ambulances when they come near them. But rappers say, “the police hate us, that’s why we hate them”. The police don’t hate anyone, but if you commit a crime, of course they will take you in. I’ve never heard any pop-artist sing about drugs, weapons or criminality. But nearly every song I’ve listened to in the Rap and Hip Hop genre have had these topics in them. To be criminal at the age of 12 years old is not normal, that’s why the Rap artists should think twice, or we must limit the accessibility of that type of music.
“Rap And Hip Hop Won’t Make You Violent”
Some words won't make you violent, joining gangs or try drugs they say. That’s interesting because in a study from the Western Connecticut State University they got the answer we already know, that Rap and Hip Hop makes us more violent and aggressive. So, if the study tells us that Rap and Hip Hop makes us more violent and aggressive because of their lyric, music videos and pictures, is it really that hard to see that people are starting to take drugs or that they see women as some sex toys? It’s not. That’s why we must limit this miserable genre that takes over our brains.
It’s Time To Stop
If no one takes this issue seriously, then we must do it. Stop our children from being brainwashed. This is an issue we must do something about, it’s time to take it seriously and limit the accessibility of this wicked genre that does more problems than helps at this point.