Reflcetion On The Book The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho

First of all, I should state this is one of the books which grips your entire attention and, even more, makes you consider your life in a philosophical way. A really awesome thing about this book is that it demonstrates the activities of the main character in a philosophical way. It outlines the way that everything in life is connected in a cause and effect manner. This point of view may be great for the individuals who consider philosophy an important thing in their lives or the people who deal with philosophy in an everyday manner. I personally recommend this chapter book for people who are studying, or want to study philosophy because it has a great sense of how philosophy is important. Also, I recommend this book for teenagers or children over twelve years old because it is nice and enjoyable to read, I don’t really think this book will grab the attention of children under twelve years so much.

I know this because I read this book “The Alchemist” with my eight-year-old brother and he seemed to be not so interested! The Chemist is a book written the by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was distributed in 1988. Firstly it was written in Portuguese, after that it turned into a international success translated into nearly 70 languages starting at 2016. A symbolic book, The Chemist is about a young Andalusian shepherd in his journey to Egypt, after dreaming that he had found a treasure there. Brazilian author Paulo Coehlo writes about the life of Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd boy who had dreamt about a far away fortune in the Egyptian pyramids. As he began the journey, moving from Spain his homeland to happily pursue his dream. During his voyage, he meets many different people coming from many different places around the world, as an example, he met a camel driver and a well-read Englishman. In one of the Englishman's books, Santiago gets finds out things about the chemists - men who assumed that if a metal was warmed or warmed for quite a while, it would free itself of all its individual properties, and what was left would be the "Spirit of the World. " Obviously he does in the end meet a chemist, and the following understudy educator relationship clears up a significant part of the kid's confused or misguided agenda, while additionally encouraging him to remain consistent with his dreams or to continue believing in them. "My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer, " the kid trusts to the chemist one night as they gaze toward a moonless night.

The main characters are Santiago, and The Alchemist, some of the other characters are Crystal Merchant, Englishman, Melchizedek, Fatima, Gypsy, Camel Driver, The Tribal Chieftain of Al-Fayoum, Merchant’s daughter, The Monk, Merchant, Santiago's father, Young Man, Candy Seller, Barkeep, Caravan Leader. The character that I liked the role of the most is Santiago obviously, he is a cleaver young boy who didn’t give up on his dream, he fought and fought and kept on fighting until he reached what he wanted or his aim in other words. I also liked Fatima, as they said she was pretty and cleaver, maybe the main reason I liked her is because she’s a girl like me!

The theme of this novel is philosophy, and as I mentioned earlier, I recommend this novel to people that are studying or interested in philosophy, and for teenagers or children under twelve years old. “It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting. ”

15 July 2020
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