Parenting Responsibilities: Augmentative and Alternative Communication


To start with, this is responsibilities of parents essay in which will be discussed why it is important for parents to be involved in communication with children. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) involves various communication methods that provide communicative support for individuals with severe expressive communication disorders, by augmenting or supplementing their speech. Research suggests that an estimated 1.3% of all individuals are unable to utilize spoken language to communicate, which limits their involvement in family life, education, employment, and the community. AAC facilitates communication for individuals who are not able to communicate their thoughts, wants, and needs through spoken language, thus increasing their ability to participate in all aspects of life. AAC encompasses both aided and unaided systems. Unaided systems rely on the use of the body (e.g., signing, gestures), while aided AAC systems include high-technology supports (e.g., Speech -generating devices (SGD), handheld devices, computers), and low-technology supports (e.g., Picture Exchange Communication (PECS), communication books or boards.

Children with complex communication needs that present with difficulty communicating through natural speech such as those with nonverbal autism, cerebral palsy, angelman syndrome or severe intellectual disability can benefit from the implementation of AAC systems. Research suggests that use of AAC systems for children with complex communication needs positively affects overall communication by increasing the number of words used, number of conversational turns, and mean length utterance.Various factors are taken into account when selecting an AAC system for a child including: current cognitive and communication skills, motor skills, family attitudes, and level of funding.

Family Involvement

Family involvement is vital for successful implementation and use of AAC for children. Parents must undertake various new roles including being an active member during the assessment and intervention process, and acquiring knowledge on the AAC system in order to instruct the child during implementation. In addition parents must facilitate the use of the AAC device in various settings across a range of communication partners in order to ensure they become competent and functional communicators. As the roles and responsibilities of parents increase after the implementation of AAC devices, this can consequently lead to high levels of frustration and stress. Reports suggest that abandonment of AAC devices in children have been associated with increased family stress due to the increased demands of AAC systems, and lack of family support and training. Professionals must acknowledge the importance of forming trusting partnerships with families and involving them during all stages of the AAC intervention process, in order to maximize the outcomes of success.


In conclusion to how to be a responsible parent essay, being that parent involvement is crucial for successful implementation and use of aided AAC systems for children with complex communication needs, its imperative that professionals have an understanding of their perceptions of barriers and challenges to the use of AAC to assist them in creating and implementing interventions that will best support them through this process. An ongoing examination of the impact of AAC interventions on families is warranted as long as professionals implement aided AAC services. 

10 October 2022
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