Review Of Hippies' Fashion, Gender Roles And Culture

American hip fashion trends in the 1970’s was all about polyester fabric and bright colours everywhere. Women styles were things like long midi skirts and peasant blouses while men wore flannel t-shirts and oxford shoes. Over the years mens clothing got tighter when the leisure suit and tracksuit were introduced around 1972. Hair styles tended to change throughout the years more than clothes. You wouldn’t see men wearing hats very often since their hair was much longer. When men didn’t have chest hair, they would receive big gold medallions to cover up any bare skin. They didn’t always tuck in their shirts, but their pants were usually tights.Women sometimes wore garments known as ‘power clothes’ created by Karl Lagerfield. Polyester fabrics, exotic prints and velvet textures were also very popular in the clothing. They wore casual outfits like red linen suit jackets, leather elastic-waisted pants or even blazers.

History Events

The hippie culture in the 70’s was remembered as a time when the gay rights, women rights and environmental movements had competed with the Watergate scandal. It was an era where women, gays and lesbians continued to fight for their rights and americans had decided to join the protest against the Vietnam war. After years of protesting for feminists, the U.S Congress finally approved the “Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) to the constitution”. After approving this right, women started building feminist organizations of their own, like daycares, abortion clinics and crisis centers. Many events continued to happen throughout the 70’s like the Antiwar Movement, the Watergate Scandal and the Environmental Movement.

Gender Roles

Throughout the 70’s women were gaining more rights and opportunities, but at the same time they were also losing wage in their jobs. Even though both genders worked the same job, women were getting paid 45% less than men. As for the men, their roles began to change a lot. As women got more rights, men sometimes were the “wife” of the house while the wife actually worked outside of home. Women always had the idea of satisfying the males, while the men saw women as their ‘objects.’ Society back then had looked at men and women as different ‘characters.’ Believing that each gender had different rights than the other.

Facts About Culture

Being a hippie back in the 1970’s meant that you had your own distinctive lifestyle. They had long hair and men usually grew beards. Sandals, beads, rimless granny glasses were popular for men and women to wear. Hippies usually took up collaborative living arrangements and were on vegetarian diets. They often promoted the use of hallucinogenic drugs like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and marijuana, as a way to expand their awareness. Rock and folk music were an essential part of the hippie culture. The Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead and the Beatles were some famous known groups throughout this time. Protests, music festivals and public gatherings were often an important part of the hippie movement. Hippies also participated in many antiwar protests and marches. Around 400,000 - 500,000 people became compatible with thee music festival movement that was held in New York in 1969. The main things that hippies tended to value were rock music, drugs, sexual liberation and free love. Hippies were all about love and creating peace, not violence. Those against america’s involvement in the Vietnam war has created the phrase “Make love, not war.” Sadly, what had killed the hippie movement was “The Destruction of the Hippie Capital.” All the drugs available had resulted in lots of overdosing and more crime. By the end of the year 1967, Haight - Ashbury was full of homeless people and many kids who became poor. Sadly, there was no longer a hippie movement once the spread of disease occurred.  

16 December 2021
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